Class SimpleFSLockFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleFSLockFactory

        public SimpleFSLockFactory()
        Create a SimpleFSLockFactory instance, with null (unset) lock directory. When you pass this factory to a FSDirectory subclass, the lock directory is automatically set to the directory itself. Be sure to create one instance for each directory your create!
      • SimpleFSLockFactory

        public SimpleFSLockFactory​(File lockDir)
        Instantiate using the provided directory (as a File instance).
        lockDir - where lock files should be created.
      • SimpleFSLockFactory

        public SimpleFSLockFactory​(String lockDirName)
        Instantiate using the provided directory name (String).
        lockDirName - where lock files should be created.
    • Method Detail

      • makeLock

        public Lock makeLock​(String lockName)
        Description copied from class: LockFactory
        Return a new Lock instance identified by lockName.
        Specified by:
        makeLock in class LockFactory
        lockName - name of the lock to be created.
      • clearLock

        public void clearLock​(String lockName)
                       throws IOException
        Description copied from class: LockFactory
        Attempt to clear (forcefully unlock and remove) the specified lock. Only call this at a time when you are certain this lock is no longer in use.
        Specified by:
        clearLock in class LockFactory
        lockName - name of the lock to be cleared.