Interface ExperienceFragment

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ExperienceFragment
    extends Adaptable
    Model object that represents an experience fragment. This experience fragment can have multiple variations
    • Method Detail

      • getVariations

        List<ExperienceFragmentVariation> getVariations​(String... type)
        Retrieves all the variations of this experience fragment, filtered by one or more types
        type - the type(s) of variations to be retrieved
        a list of ExperienceFragmentVariation objects. If the experience fragment has no variations of the specified type(s) then an empty list is returned.
      • getPath

        String getPath()
        Retrieves the path of this experience fragment
        the path of the variation page
      • getProperties

        ValueMap getProperties()
        Retrieves the properties of this experience fragment
        a ValueMap object
      • getCloudserviceConfigurationsPaths

        List<String> getCloudserviceConfigurationsPaths()
        Retrieves a list of cloud services configurations attached to this experience fragment
        a list of Configuration objects pointing to their respective cloud service configurations