Interface ExperienceFragmentsService

  • @ProviderType
    public interface ExperienceFragmentsService
    Service that provides methods to work with the Experience Fragments objects
    • Method Detail

      • listUsedVariations

        List<ExperienceFragmentVariation> listUsedVariations​(Page page)
        Finds all the experience fragments variations in a given content page.
        page - the content page
        a list of variations used in the given page
      • listPagesUsingVariation

        List<Page> listPagesUsingVariation​(ExperienceFragmentVariation... variation)
        Finds all the pages that use one or more experience fragment variations
        variation - one or more ExperienceFragmentVariation objects
        a list of pages that contain components pointing to those experience fragments variations
      • findReferences

        List<Reference> findReferences​(String experienceFragmentPath,
                                       String... referenceType)
        Returns a list of references for an experience fragment at a given path
        experienceFragmentPath - the path to the experience fragment. This path must point to the actual experience fragment page, not the "jcr:content" node.
        referenceType - an optional reference type which indicates which reference provider(s) to use. If this parameter is not supplied then all the references are returned
        a list of Reference object. The "source" of the reference will be the page that uses the experience fragment and the "target" of the reference will be specific variation that the page embeds.