Class TextCharPropDataIterator

    • Constructor Detail

      • TextCharPropDataIterator

        public TextCharPropDataIterator​(int[] data)
      • TextCharPropDataIterator

        public TextCharPropDataIterator​(int[] data,
                                        int startIndex)
      • TextCharPropDataIterator

        public TextCharPropDataIterator​(int[] data,
                                        int startIndex,
                                        int length)
    • Method Detail

      • first

        public int first()
        Description copied from interface: TextCharPropIterator
        Return the index value corresponding to the first element in the logical array.
        Specified by:
        first in interface TextCharPropIterator
        First element's index value. Often zero, but doesn't have to be.
      • next

        public int next​(int index)
        Description copied from interface: TextCharPropIterator
        Obtain the character properties corresponding to the current index value and advance the index.
        Specified by:
        next in interface TextCharPropIterator
        index - - Current index value. The call must update this parameter to represent the logical next index value. The caller should treat this as an opaque variable and must not alter it (except through this interface) or infer any meaning from its value.
        True if there were character properties at the given index value; false if past the logical end of the array (if the immediately previous call had returned properties for the last logical position in the array).