Interface WorkflowExternalProcess

    • Method Detail

      • execute

        Serializable execute​(WorkItem item,
                             WorkflowSession session,
                             MetaDataMap arguments)
                      throws WorkflowException
        Executes the external process step. In order to keep track of this asynchronous process, an identifier must be returned. One can return null to indicate that nothing was executed. In this case, the step directly advances to the next step.
        item - The current work item
        session - The current workflow session
        arguments - The current steps node arguments (aka as node meta data)
        Any serializable identifier for the external process executed, or null
        WorkflowException - When an error is encountered
      • hasFinished

        boolean hasFinished​(Serializable externalProcessId,
                            WorkItem item,
                            WorkflowSession session,
                            MetaDataMap arguments)
        Tests the external process, given by the external process id, for completeness.
        externalProcessId - The external process to test for completeness
        item - The current work item
        session - The current workflow session
        arguments - The current steps node arguments (aka as node meta data)
        boolean Returns True or False if process has finished
      • handleResult

        void handleResult​(Serializable externalProcessId,
                          WorkItem workItem,
                          WorkflowSession session,
                          MetaDataMap arguments)
                   throws WorkflowException
        Get and handle the result of the external process, given by the external process id. This would include storing any results where appropriate for further use.
        externalProcessId - The external process to handle the results for
        workItem - The current work item
        session - The current workflow session
        arguments - The current steps node arguments (aka as node meta data)
        WorkflowException - When an error is encountered