Class XmpReader

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class XmpReader
    extends Object
    implements JpegSegmentMetadataReader
    Extracts XMP data from JPEG APP1 segments.

    Note that XMP uses a namespace and path format for identifying values, which does not map to metadata-extractor's integer based tag identifiers. Therefore, XMP data is extracted and exposed via XmpDirectory.getXMPMeta() which returns an instance of Adobe's XMPMeta which exposes the full XMP data set.

    The extraction is done with Adobe's XmpCore-Library (XMP-Toolkit) Copyright (c) 1999 - 2007, Adobe Systems Incorporated All rights reserved.

    • Constructor Detail

      • XmpReader

        public XmpReader()
    • Method Detail

      • readJpegSegments

        public void readJpegSegments​(Iterable<byte[]> segments,
                                     Metadata metadata,
                                     JpegSegmentType segmentType)
        Version specifically for dealing with XMP found in JPEG segments. This form of XMP has a peculiar preamble, which must be removed before parsing the XML.
        Specified by:
        readJpegSegments in interface JpegSegmentMetadataReader
        segments - The byte array from which the metadata should be extracted.
        metadata - The Metadata object into which extracted values should be merged.
        segmentType - The JpegSegmentType being read.
      • extract

        public void extract​(byte[] xmpBytes,
                            Metadata metadata)
        Performs the XMP data extraction, adding found values to the specified instance of Metadata.

        The extraction is done with Adobe's XMPCore library.

      • extract

        public void extract​(byte[] xmpBytes,
                            Metadata metadata,
                            Directory parentDirectory)
        Performs the XMP data extraction, adding found values to the specified instance of Metadata.

        The extraction is done with Adobe's XMPCore library.

      • extract

        public void extract​(byte[] xmpBytes,
                            int offset,
                            int length,
                            Metadata metadata,
                            Directory parentDirectory)
        Performs the XMP data extraction, adding found values to the specified instance of Metadata.

        The extraction is done with Adobe's XMPCore library.

      • extract

        public void extract​(String xmpString,
                            Metadata metadata)
        Performs the XMP data extraction, adding found values to the specified instance of Metadata.

        The extraction is done with Adobe's XMPCore library.

      • extract

        public void extract​(StringValue xmpString,
                            Metadata metadata)
        Performs the XMP data extraction, adding found values to the specified instance of Metadata.

        The extraction is done with Adobe's XMPCore library.

      • extract

        public void extract​(String xmpString,
                            Metadata metadata,
                            Directory parentDirectory)
        Performs the XMP data extraction, adding found values to the specified instance of Metadata.

        The extraction is done with Adobe's XMPCore library.