Class PropertyNamingStrategies

    • Field Detail


        public static final PropertyNamingStrategy LOWER_CAMEL_CASE
        Naming convention used in Java, where words other than first are capitalized and no separator is used between words. Since this is the native Java naming convention, naming strategy will not do any transformation between names in data (JSON) and POJOS.

        Example external property names would be "numberValue", "namingStrategy", "theDefiniteProof".


        public static final PropertyNamingStrategy UPPER_CAMEL_CASE
        Naming convention used in languages like Pascal, where all words are capitalized and no separator is used between words. See PropertyNamingStrategies.UpperCamelCaseStrategy for details.

        Example external property names would be "NumberValue", "NamingStrategy", "TheDefiniteProof".

      • SNAKE_CASE

        public static final PropertyNamingStrategy SNAKE_CASE
        Naming convention used in languages like C, where words are in lower-case letters, separated by underscores. See PropertyNamingStrategies.SnakeCaseStrategy for details.

        Example external property names would be "number_value", "naming_strategy", "the_definite_proof".

      • LOWER_CASE

        public static final PropertyNamingStrategy LOWER_CASE
        Naming convention in which all words of the logical name are in lower case, and no separator is used between words. See PropertyNamingStrategies.LowerCaseStrategy for details.

        Example external property names would be "numbervalue", "namingstrategy", "thedefiniteproof".

      • KEBAB_CASE

        public static final PropertyNamingStrategy KEBAB_CASE
        Naming convention used in languages like Lisp, where words are in lower-case letters, separated by hyphens. See PropertyNamingStrategies.KebabCaseStrategy for details.

        Example external property names would be "number-value", "naming-strategy", "the-definite-proof".


        public static final PropertyNamingStrategy LOWER_DOT_CASE
        Naming convention widely used as configuration properties name, where words are in lower-case letters, separated by dots. See PropertyNamingStrategies.LowerDotCaseStrategy for details.

        Example external property names would be "number.value", "naming.strategy", "the.definite.proof".

    • Constructor Detail

      • PropertyNamingStrategies

        public PropertyNamingStrategies()