Interface IndexInfo

  • @ProviderType
    public interface IndexInfo
    Captures information related to index
    • Method Detail

      • getIndexPath

        String getIndexPath()
        Returns paths of index definition in the repository
      • getType

        String getType()
        Returns type of index definition like 'property' or 'lucene'
      • getAsyncLaneName

        @Nullable String getAsyncLaneName()
        Returns name of the async index lane to which this index is bound to or null if it's not an async index
      • getLastUpdatedTime

        long getLastUpdatedTime()
        Time in millis at which index was last updated
        time in millis or -1 if unknown, -2 if synchronous
      • getIndexedUpToTime

        long getIndexedUpToTime()
        Returns time in millis of the repository state up to which index is up-to-date. This may or may not be same as #getLastUpdatedTime. For e.g. consider an index at /oak:index/fooIndex bound to async lane "async". The index might have got updated 2 cycle ago when async indexer traversed content node which were indexed by this index and it was not updated in last index cycle. Then indexedUptoTime is the time of last complete cycle while lastUpdatedTime is the time of 2nd last cycle
        time in millis or -1 if unknown
      • getEstimatedEntryCount

        long getEstimatedEntryCount()
        An estimate of entry count in the index
      • getSizeInBytes

        long getSizeInBytes()
        Index data storage size
        storage size or -1 if unknown
      • hasIndexDefinitionChangedWithoutReindexing

        boolean hasIndexDefinitionChangedWithoutReindexing()
        Determines if index definition has changed but no reindexing was done for that change.
      • getIndexDefinitionDiff

        @Nullable String getIndexDefinitionDiff()
        If the index definition has changed without doing any reindexing then this method can be used to determine the diff in the index definition
        diff if the definition change otherwise null
      • hasHiddenOakLibsMount

        boolean hasHiddenOakLibsMount()
        Determines if a hidden oak libs mount node is present
        true in case of composite node store with indexed content from read-only part of repository, false otherwise
      • hasPropertyIndexNode

        boolean hasPropertyIndexNode()
        Determines if :property-index node is present
        true if the index is hybrid and has :property-index node, false otherwise.
      • getSuggestSizeInBytes

        long getSuggestSizeInBytes()
        Index suggest data storage size
        storage size or -1 if unknown
      • getCreationTimestamp

        long getCreationTimestamp()
        Time in millis at which index definition was created
        time in millis or -1 if unknown
      • getReindexCompletionTimestamp

        long getReindexCompletionTimestamp()
        Time in millis at which index was last re indexed
        time in millis or -1 if unknown