Class HSSFRequest

    • Constructor Detail

      • HSSFRequest

        public HSSFRequest()
        Creates a new instance of HSSFRequest
    • Method Detail

      • addListener

        public void addListener​(HSSFListener lsnr,
                                short sid)
        add an event listener for a particular record type. The trick is you have to know what the records are for or just start with our examples and build on them. Alternatively, you CAN call addListenerForAllRecords and you'll receive ALL record events in one listener, but if you like to squeeze every last byte of efficiency out of life you my not like this. (its sure as heck what I plan to do)
        lsnr - for the event
        sid - identifier for the record type this is the .sid static member on the individual records for example req.addListener(myListener, BOFRecord.sid)
        See Also:
      • addListenerForAllRecords

        public void addListenerForAllRecords​(HSSFListener lsnr)
        This is the equivalent of calling addListener(myListener, sid) for EVERY record in the org.apache.poi.hssf.record package. This is for lazy people like me. You can call this more than once with more than one listener, but that seems like a bad thing to do from a practice-perspective unless you have a compelling reason to do so (like maybe you send the event two places or log it or something?).
        lsnr - a single listener to associate with ALL records