Class XWPFWordExtractor

    • Field Detail


        public static final XWPFRelation[] SUPPORTED_TYPES
    • Method Detail

      • setFetchHyperlinks

        public void setFetchHyperlinks​(boolean fetch)
        Should we also fetch the hyperlinks, when fetching the text content? Default is to only output the hyperlink label, and not the contents
      • setConcatenatePhoneticRuns

        public void setConcatenatePhoneticRuns​(boolean concatenatePhoneticRuns)
        Should we concatenate phonetic runs in extraction. Default is true
        concatenatePhoneticRuns -
      • getText

        public String getText()
        Description copied from class: POITextExtractor
        Retrieves all the text from the document. How cells, paragraphs etc are separated in the text is implementation specific - see the javadocs for a specific project for details.
        Specified by:
        getText in class POITextExtractor
        All the text from the document