Class AbstractPostResponse

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractPostResponse

        public AbstractPostResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • setReferer

        public void setReferer​(String referer)
        Sets the referer property
        Specified by:
        setReferer in interface PostResponse
        referer - the referer
      • getPath

        public String getPath()
        Returns the absolute path of the item upon which the request operated.

        If the PostResponse.setPath(String) method has not been called yet, this method returns null.

        Specified by:
        getPath in interface PostResponse
        the path (might be null)
      • setPath

        public void setPath​(String path)
        Sets the absolute path of the item upon which the request operated.
        Specified by:
        setPath in interface PostResponse
        path - the path
      • setCreateRequest

        public void setCreateRequest​(boolean isCreateRequest)
        Sets whether the request was a create request or not.
        Specified by:
        setCreateRequest in interface PostResponse
        isCreateRequest - true if the request was a create request
      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(String location)
        Description copied from interface: PostResponse
        Sets the location of this modification. This is the externalized form of the current path.
        Specified by:
        setLocation in interface PostResponse
        location - the location
      • getParentLocation

        public String getParentLocation()
        Returns the parent location of the modification. this is the externalized form of the parent node of the current path.
        Specified by:
        getParentLocation in interface PostResponse
        the location of the modification.
      • setParentLocation

        public void setParentLocation​(String parentLocation)
        Description copied from interface: PostResponse
        Sets the parent location of the modification. This is the externalized form of the parent node of the current path.
        Specified by:
        setParentLocation in interface PostResponse
        parentLocation - the parent location of the modification
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(String title)
        Sets the title of the response message
        Specified by:
        setTitle in interface PostResponse
        title - the title
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(int code,
                              String message)
        sets the response status code properties
        Specified by:
        setStatus in interface PostResponse
        code - the code
        message - the message
      • getStatusCode

        public int getStatusCode()
        Returns the status code of this instance. If the status code has never been set by calling the setStatus(int, String) method, the status code is determined by checking if there was an error. If there was an error, the response is assumed to be unsuccessful and 500 is returned. If there is no error, the response is assumed to be successful and 200 is returned.
        Specified by:
        getStatusCode in interface PostResponse
        the status code
      • getError

        public Throwable getError()
        Returns any recorded error or null
        Specified by:
        getError in interface PostResponse
        an error or null
      • setError

        public void setError​(Throwable error)
        Description copied from interface: PostResponse
        Sets the recorded error causing the operation to fail.
        Specified by:
        setError in interface PostResponse
        error - the throwable
      • isSuccessful

        public boolean isSuccessful()
        Returns true if no error is set and if the status code is one of the 2xx codes.
        Specified by:
        isSuccessful in interface PostResponse
        true if the status code is 2xx
      • onModified

        public void onModified​(String path)
        Records a 'modified' change
        Specified by:
        onModified in interface PostResponse
        path - path of the item that was modified
      • onCreated

        public void onCreated​(String path)
        Records a 'created' change
        Specified by:
        onCreated in interface PostResponse
        path - path of the item that was created
      • onDeleted

        public void onDeleted​(String path)
        Records a 'deleted' change
        Specified by:
        onDeleted in interface PostResponse
        path - path of the item that was deleted
      • onMoved

        public void onMoved​(String srcPath,
                            String dstPath)
        Records a 'moved' change.

        Note: the moved change only records the basic move command. the implied changes on the moved properties and sub nodes are not recorded.

        Specified by:
        onMoved in interface PostResponse
        srcPath - source path of the node that was moved
        dstPath - destination path of the node that was moved.
      • onCopied

        public void onCopied​(String srcPath,
                             String dstPath)
        Records a 'copied' change.

        Note: the copy change only records the basic copy command. the implied changes on the copied properties and sub nodes are not recorded.

        Specified by:
        onCopied in interface PostResponse
        srcPath - source path of the node that was copied
        dstPath - destination path of the node that was copied.
      • send

        public final void send​(HttpServletResponse response,
                               boolean setStatus)
                        throws IOException
        Writes the response to the given writer and replaces all ${var} patterns by the value of the respective property. if the property is not defined the pattern is not modified.
        Specified by:
        send in interface PostResponse
        response - to send to
        setStatus - whether to set the status code on the response
        IOException - if an i/o exception occurs