Class CUGConfig

  • @Model(adaptables=SlingHttpServletRequest.class)
    public final class CUGConfig
    extends Object
    Representation of the Closed User Group configuration that is persisted on the repository for a given content resource. This is used in order to know if the CUG configuration is deprecated (usage of cq:cug* properties) and thus disable the editing of the CUGs in such case. The content resource is derived from the content path attribute of the request.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CUGConfig

        public CUGConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • isDeprecated

        public boolean isDeprecated()
        Indicates if the content resource is using a deprecated Closed User Group configuration
      • getWarning

        public String getWarning()
        Returns the warning message telling the user that the content resource is using a deprecated Closed User Group configuration