Class SubArrays

  • public final class SubArrays
    extends Object
    Functionality similar to class Arrays, but which can work on parts of arrays.


    This class represents a namespace and does not contain instance data or mutable static data. It is therefore threadsafe.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SubArrays

        public SubArrays()
    • Method Detail

      • arrayCompare

        public static boolean arrayCompare​(byte[] a1,
                                           int a1start,
                                           byte[] a2,
                                           int a2start,
                                           int numToCompare)
        a1 - The first buffer to compare
        a1start - The offset into a1 to begin comparing
        a2 - The second buffer to compare
        a2start - The offset into a2 to begin comparing
        numToCompare - If numToCompare extends beyond the end of a1 and a2, arrayCompare only compares to the end of the buffers.
        true if the subarrays are the same, false otherwise
      • stringBufferCompare

        public static boolean stringBufferCompare​(StringBuffer a1,
                                                  int a1start,
                                                  StringBuffer a2,
                                                  int a2start,
                                                  int numToCompare)