Class CloudSettingsUtil

  • public class CloudSettingsUtil
    extends Object
    Utility methods utilized in the JSPs to retrieve and process data for displaying the cloudsettings UI
    • Field Detail


        public static final String MIXIN_CLOUDSETTINGS_CONFIG_TYPE
        JCR Mixin Type used to collect CloudsettingsConfigType candidates via search
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PROP_ALLOWED_CHILD_TYPES
        Property on a CloudSettingConfigType Resource to define to define the resourceTypes that can be used as child for a CloudSettingsConfig with this resourceType (subTypes are allowed as well)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PROP_ALLOWED_PARENT_TYPES
        Property on a CloudSettingConfigType Resource to define to define the resourceTypes that a parent must have (subTypes are allowed as well) to create a CloudSettingsConfig with this resourceType
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String PROP_UNIQUE_NAME
        Property on a CloudSettingConfigType Resource to define a unique name for the CloudSettingConfig Resource so that no sibling with the same name can be created

        Implementing ui has to take care of creating the CloudSettingConfig Resource with this name

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • CloudSettingsUtil

        public CloudSettingsUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • getPersonDisplayName

        public static String getPersonDisplayName​(ResourceResolver resolver,
                                                  String userId)
        Extract the output for display.
        resolver - the resourceResolver for the lookup of profiles
        userId - the userId candidate to be processed for displayName detection
        detected displayName
      • getAllCloudSettingsConfigTypes

        public static Iterator<Resource> getAllCloudSettingsConfigTypes​(ResourceResolver resolver)
        Performs a search for all available CloudSettingConfigTypes by mixin Type in the system.
        resolver - the resolver to be used for CloudSettingConfigType search
        Iterator containing all CloudSettingsConfigTypes for the given parent
      • getCloudSettingsConfigTypes

        public static Iterator<Resource> getCloudSettingsConfigTypes​(ResourceResolver resolver,
                                                                     Resource parentResource)
        Performs a search for available CloudSettingConfigTypes by mixin Type in the system and filters the resulting iterator them with CloudSettingsUtil.CloudSettingsConfigTypeFilter
        resolver - the resolver to be used for CloudSettingConfigType search
        parentResource - the resource under which the returned CloudSettingConfigType are creatable
        filtered Iterator containing the valid CloudSettingsConfigTypes for the given parent