Interface ModelDescription

  • @ProviderType
    public interface ModelDescription
    A description of all collected metadata about a model.
    • Method Detail

      • getMapper

        ModelPathMapper getMapper()
        Gets the ModelPathMapper used by the model.
        The ModelPathMapper.
      • getCategory

        String getCategory()
        Gets the model's category.
        The model category.
      • getModel

        Object getModel()
        Gets the model object.
        The model
      • getModelTypes

        String[] getModelTypes()
        Get the model types, as defined by the type property on the ApiModel annotation.
        The array of model types.
      • getNextOffsetValue

        String getNextOffsetValue()
        Get the value to use as the next offset for paginated requests. This value will be null until after the getEntities method is called since entities are loaded lazily.
        The next offset value.
      • getEntityCount

        int getEntityCount()
        Get the count of entities to be serialized into the response. This value will be 0 until after the getEntities method is called since entities are loaded lazily.
        The entity count.
      • getProperty

        PropertyDescription getProperty​(String name)
        Get the description for a specific property defined in the model by name.
        name - The property name.
        The property description.