Class DefaultExecuteResultHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultExecuteResultHandler

        public DefaultExecuteResultHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • getException

        public ExecuteException getException()
        Get the exception causing the process execution to fail.
        Returns the exception.
        IllegalStateException - if the process has not exited yet
      • getExitValue

        public int getExitValue()
        Get the exitValue of the process.
        Returns the exitValue.
        IllegalStateException - if the process has not exited yet
      • hasResult

        public boolean hasResult()
        Has the process exited and a result is available, i.e. exitCode or exception?
        true if a result of the execution is available
      • waitFor

        public void waitFor()
                     throws InterruptedException
        Causes the current thread to wait, if necessary, until the process has terminated. This method returns immediately if the process has already terminated. If the process has not yet terminated, the calling thread will be blocked until the process exits.
        InterruptedException - if the current thread is interrupted by another thread while it is waiting, then the wait is ended and an InterruptedException is thrown.
      • waitFor

        public void waitFor​(long timeout)
                     throws InterruptedException
        Causes the current thread to wait, if necessary, until the process has terminated. This method returns immediately if the process has already terminated. If the process has not yet terminated, the calling thread will be blocked until the process exits.
        timeout - the maximum time to wait in milliseconds
        InterruptedException - if the current thread is interrupted by another thread while it is waiting, then the wait is ended and an InterruptedException is thrown.