Class OS

  • public final class OS
    extends Object
    Condition that tests the OS type.
    • Method Detail

      • isFamilyDOS

        public static boolean isFamilyDOS()
      • isFamilyMac

        public static boolean isFamilyMac()
      • isFamilyNetware

        public static boolean isFamilyNetware()
      • isFamilyOS2

        public static boolean isFamilyOS2()
      • isFamilyTandem

        public static boolean isFamilyTandem()
      • isFamilyUnix

        public static boolean isFamilyUnix()
      • isFamilyWindows

        public static boolean isFamilyWindows()
      • isFamilyWin9x

        public static boolean isFamilyWin9x()
      • isFamilyZOS

        public static boolean isFamilyZOS()
      • isFamilyOS400

        public static boolean isFamilyOS400()
      • isFamilyOpenVms

        public static boolean isFamilyOpenVms()
      • isName

        public static boolean isName​(String name)
        Determines if the OS on which Ant is executing matches the given OS name.
        name - the OS name to check for
        true if the OS matches
      • isArch

        public static boolean isArch​(String arch)
        Determines if the OS on which Ant is executing matches the given OS architecture.
        arch - the OS architecture to check for
        true if the OS matches
      • isVersion

        public static boolean isVersion​(String version)
        Determines if the OS on which Ant is executing matches the given OS version.
        version - the OS version to check for
        true if the OS matches
      • isOs

        public static boolean isOs​(String family,
                                   String name,
                                   String arch,
                                   String version)
        Determines if the OS on which Ant is executing matches the given OS family, name, architecture and version
        family - The OS family
        name - The OS name
        arch - The OS architecture
        version - The OS version
        true if the OS matches