Class QRDecompositionImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class QRDecompositionImpl
    extends Object
    implements QRDecomposition
    Calculates the QR-decomposition of a matrix.

    The QR-decomposition of a matrix A consists of two matrices Q and R that satisfy: A = QR, Q is orthogonal (QTQ = I), and R is upper triangular. If A is m×n, Q is m×m and R m×n.

    This class compute the decomposition using Householder reflectors.

    For efficiency purposes, the decomposition in packed form is transposed. This allows inner loop to iterate inside rows, which is much more cache-efficient in Java.

    See Also:
    MathWorld, Wikipedia
    • Constructor Detail

      • QRDecompositionImpl

        public QRDecompositionImpl​(RealMatrix matrix)
        Calculates the QR-decomposition of the given matrix.
        matrix - The matrix to decompose.
    • Method Detail

      • getR

        public RealMatrix getR()
        Returns the matrix R of the decomposition.

        R is an upper-triangular matrix

        Specified by:
        getR in interface QRDecomposition
        the R matrix
      • getQ

        public RealMatrix getQ()
        Returns the matrix Q of the decomposition.

        Q is an orthogonal matrix

        Specified by:
        getQ in interface QRDecomposition
        the Q matrix
      • getQT

        public RealMatrix getQT()
        Returns the transpose of the matrix Q of the decomposition.

        Q is an orthogonal matrix

        Specified by:
        getQT in interface QRDecomposition
        the Q matrix
      • getH

        public RealMatrix getH()
        Returns the Householder reflector vectors.

        H is a lower trapezoidal matrix whose columns represent each successive Householder reflector vector. This matrix is used to compute Q.

        Specified by:
        getH in interface QRDecomposition
        a matrix containing the Householder reflector vectors