Class RecordStream

  • public final class RecordStream
    extends Object
    Simplifies iteration over a sequence of Record objects.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RecordStream

        public RecordStream​(List<Record> inputList,
                            int startIndex,
                            int endIx)
        Creates a RecordStream bounded by startIndex and endIndex
        inputList - the list to iterate over
        startIndex - the start index within the list
        endIx - the end index within the list, which is the index of the end element + 1
      • RecordStream

        public RecordStream​(List<Record> records,
                            int startIx)
    • Method Detail

      • hasNext

        public boolean hasNext()
      • getNext

        public Record getNext()
      • peekNextClass

        public Class<? extends Record> peekNextClass()
        the Class of the next Record. null if this stream is exhausted.
      • peekNextSid

        public int peekNextSid()
        -1 if at end of records
      • getCountRead

        public int getCountRead()