Class XSSFExportToXml

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class XSSFExportToXml
    extends Object
    implements Comparator<String>
    Maps an XLSX to an XML according to one of the mapping defined. The output XML Schema must respect this limitations:
    • all mandatory elements and attributes must be mapped (enable validation to check this)
    • no <any> in complex type/element declaration
    • no <anyAttribute> attributes declaration
    • no recursive structures: recursive structures can't be nested more than one level
    • no abstract elements: abstract complex types can be declared but must not be used in elements.
    • no mixed content: an element can't contain simple text and child element(s) together
    • no <substitutionGroup> in complex type/element declaration
    • Constructor Detail

      • XSSFExportToXml

        public XSSFExportToXml​(XSSFMap map)
        Creates a new exporter and sets the mapping to be used when generating the XML output document
        map - the mapping rule to be used
    • Method Detail

      • exportToXML

        public void exportToXML​(OutputStream os,
                                boolean validate)
                         throws SAXException,
        Exports the data in an XML stream
        os - OutputStream in which will contain the output XML
        validate - if true, validates the XML against the XML Schema
        SAXException - If validating the document fails
        TransformerException - If transforming the document fails
      • exportToXML

        public void exportToXML​(OutputStream os,
                                String encoding,
                                boolean validate)
                         throws SAXException,
        Exports the data in an XML stream
        os - OutputStream in which will contain the output XML
        encoding - the output charset encoding
        validate - if true, validates the XML against the XML Schema
        SAXException - If validating the document fails
        TransformerException - If transforming the document fails
      • compare

        public int compare​(String leftXpath,
                           String rightXpath)
        Compares two xpaths to define an ordering according to the XML Schema
        Specified by:
        compare in interface Comparator<String>