Interface CollisionHook

  • @ConsumerType
    public interface CollisionHook
    OSGi Framework Bundle Collision Hook Service.

    If the framework was launched with the org.osgi.framework.bsnversion framework launching property set to managed, then all registered collision hook services will be called during framework bundle install and update operations to determine if an install or update operation will result in a bundle symbolic name and version collision.

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int INSTALLING
      Specifies a bundle install operation is being performed.
      static int UPDATING
      Specifies a bundle update operation is being performed.
    • Field Detail


        static final int INSTALLING
        Specifies a bundle install operation is being performed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • UPDATING

        static final int UPDATING
        Specifies a bundle update operation is being performed.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • filterCollisions

        void filterCollisions​(int operationType,
                              Bundle target,
                              Collection<Bundle> collisionCandidates)
        Filter bundle collisions hook method. This method is called during the install or update operation. The operation type will be installing or updating. Depending on the operation type the target bundle and the collision candidate collection are the following:
        • installing - The target is the bundle associated with the BundleContext used to call one of the install methods. The collision candidate collection contains the existing bundles installed which have the same symbolic name and version as the bundle being installed.
        • updating - The target is the bundle used to call one of the update methods. The collision candidate collection contains the existing bundles installed which have the same symbolic name and version as the content the target bundle is being updated to.
        This method can filter the collection of collision candidates by removing potential collisions. For the specified operation to succeed, the collection of collision candidates must be empty after all registered collision hook services have been called.
        operationType - The operation type. Must be the value of installing or updating.
        target - The target bundle used to determine what collision candidates to filter.
        collisionCandidates - The collection of collision candidates. The collection supports all the optional Collection operations except add and addAll. Attempting to add to the collection will result in an UnsupportedOperationException . The collection is not synchronized.