Class UnicodeCommentExtraField

    • Field Detail

      • UCOM_ID

        public static final ZipShort UCOM_ID
    • Constructor Detail

      • UnicodeCommentExtraField

        public UnicodeCommentExtraField()
      • UnicodeCommentExtraField

        public UnicodeCommentExtraField​(java.lang.String comment,
                                        byte[] bytes)
        Assemble as unicode comment extension from the comment given as text as well as the bytes actually written to the archive.
        comment - The file comment
        bytes - the bytes actually written to the archive
      • UnicodeCommentExtraField

        public UnicodeCommentExtraField​(java.lang.String text,
                                        byte[] bytes,
                                        int off,
                                        int len)
        Assemble as unicode comment extension from the name given as text as well as the encoded bytes actually written to the archive.
        text - The file name
        bytes - the bytes actually written to the archive
        off - The offset of the encoded comment in bytes.
        len - The length of the encoded comment or comment in bytes.
    • Method Detail

      • getHeaderId

        public ZipShort getHeaderId()
        Description copied from interface: ZipExtraField
        The Header-ID.
        The HeaderId value