Class FastDatePrinter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, DatePrinter

    public class FastDatePrinter
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements DatePrinter,
    FastDatePrinter is a fast and thread-safe version of SimpleDateFormat.

    To obtain a FastDatePrinter, use FastDateFormat.getInstance(String, TimeZone, Locale) or another variation of the factory methods of FastDateFormat.

    Since FastDatePrinter is thread safe, you can use a static member instance:

    private static final DatePrinter DATE_PRINTER = FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd");

    This class can be used as a direct replacement to SimpleDateFormat in most formatting situations. This class is especially useful in multi-threaded server environments. SimpleDateFormat is not thread-safe in any JDK version, nor will it be as Sun have closed the bug/RFE.

    Only formatting is supported by this class, but all patterns are compatible with SimpleDateFormat (except time zones and some year patterns - see below).

    Java 1.4 introduced a new pattern letter, 'Z', to represent time zones in RFC822 format (eg. +0800 or -1100). This pattern letter can be used here (on all JDK versions).

    In addition, the pattern 'ZZ' has been made to represent ISO 8601 extended format time zones (eg. +08:00 or -11:00). This introduces a minor incompatibility with Java 1.4, but at a gain of useful functionality.

    Starting with JDK7, ISO 8601 support was added using the pattern 'X'. To maintain compatibility, 'ZZ' will continue to be supported, but using one of the 'X' formats is recommended.

    Javadoc cites for the year pattern: For formatting, if the number of pattern letters is 2, the year is truncated to 2 digits; otherwise it is interpreted as a number. Starting with Java 1.7 a pattern of 'Y' or 'YYY' will be formatted as '2003', while it was '03' in former Java versions. FastDatePrinter implements the behavior of Java 7.

    See Also:
    FastDateParser, Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int FULL
      FULL locale dependent date or time style.
      static int LONG
      LONG locale dependent date or time style.
      static int MEDIUM
      MEDIUM locale dependent date or time style.
      static int SHORT
      SHORT locale dependent date or time style.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
      Compares two objects for equality.
      java.lang.String format​(long millis)
      Formats a millisecond long value.
      <B extends java.lang.Appendable>
      format​(long millis, B buf)
      Formats a millisecond long value into the supplied Appendable.
      java.lang.StringBuffer format​(long millis, java.lang.StringBuffer buf)
      Formats a millisecond long value into the supplied StringBuffer.
      java.lang.StringBuffer format​(java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.StringBuffer toAppendTo, java.text.FieldPosition pos)
      java.lang.String format​(java.util.Calendar calendar)
      Formats a Calendar object.
      <B extends java.lang.Appendable>
      format​(java.util.Calendar calendar, B buf)
      Formats a Calendar object into the supplied Appendable.
      java.lang.StringBuffer format​(java.util.Calendar calendar, java.lang.StringBuffer buf)
      Formats a Calendar object into the supplied StringBuffer.
      java.lang.String format​(java.util.Date date)
      Formats a Date object using a GregorianCalendar.
      <B extends java.lang.Appendable>
      format​(java.util.Date date, B buf)
      Formats a Date object into the supplied Appendable using a GregorianCalendar.
      java.lang.StringBuffer format​(java.util.Date date, java.lang.StringBuffer buf)
      Formats a Date object into the supplied StringBuffer using a GregorianCalendar.
      java.util.Locale getLocale()
      Gets the locale used by this printer.
      int getMaxLengthEstimate()
      Gets an estimate for the maximum string length that the formatter will produce.
      java.lang.String getPattern()
      Gets the pattern used by this printer.
      java.util.TimeZone getTimeZone()
      Gets the time zone used by this printer.
      int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code compatible with equals.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Gets a debugging string version of this formatter.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • FULL

        public static final int FULL
        FULL locale dependent date or time style.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • LONG

        public static final int LONG
        LONG locale dependent date or time style.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MEDIUM

        public static final int MEDIUM
        MEDIUM locale dependent date or time style.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SHORT

        public static final int SHORT
        SHORT locale dependent date or time style.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • format

        public java.lang.StringBuffer format​(java.lang.Object obj,
                                             java.lang.StringBuffer toAppendTo,
                                             java.text.FieldPosition pos)
        Formats a Date, Calendar or Long (milliseconds) object.
        Specified by:
        format in interface DatePrinter
        obj - the object to format
        toAppendTo - the buffer to append to
        pos - the position - ignored
        the buffer passed in
        See Also:
        DateFormat.format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition)
      • format

        public java.lang.String format​(long millis)
        Description copied from interface: DatePrinter
        Formats a millisecond long value.
        Specified by:
        format in interface DatePrinter
        millis - the millisecond value to format
        the formatted string
      • format

        public java.lang.String format​(java.util.Date date)
        Description copied from interface: DatePrinter
        Formats a Date object using a GregorianCalendar.
        Specified by:
        format in interface DatePrinter
        date - the date to format
        the formatted string
      • format

        public java.lang.String format​(java.util.Calendar calendar)
        Description copied from interface: DatePrinter
        Formats a Calendar object. The TimeZone set on the Calendar is only used to adjust the time offset. The TimeZone specified during the construction of the Parser will determine the TimeZone used in the formatted string.
        Specified by:
        format in interface DatePrinter
        calendar - the calendar to format.
        the formatted string
      • format

        public java.lang.StringBuffer format​(long millis,
                                             java.lang.StringBuffer buf)
        Description copied from interface: DatePrinter
        Formats a millisecond long value into the supplied StringBuffer.
        Specified by:
        format in interface DatePrinter
        millis - the millisecond value to format
        buf - the buffer to format into
        the specified string buffer
      • format

        public java.lang.StringBuffer format​(java.util.Date date,
                                             java.lang.StringBuffer buf)
        Description copied from interface: DatePrinter
        Formats a Date object into the supplied StringBuffer using a GregorianCalendar.
        Specified by:
        format in interface DatePrinter
        date - the date to format
        buf - the buffer to format into
        the specified string buffer
      • format

        public java.lang.StringBuffer format​(java.util.Calendar calendar,
                                             java.lang.StringBuffer buf)
        Description copied from interface: DatePrinter
        Formats a Calendar object into the supplied StringBuffer. The TimeZone set on the Calendar is only used to adjust the time offset. The TimeZone specified during the construction of the Parser will determine the TimeZone used in the formatted string.
        Specified by:
        format in interface DatePrinter
        calendar - the calendar to format
        buf - the buffer to format into
        the specified string buffer
      • format

        public <B extends java.lang.Appendable> B format​(long millis,
                                                         B buf)
        Description copied from interface: DatePrinter
        Formats a millisecond long value into the supplied Appendable.
        Specified by:
        format in interface DatePrinter
        Type Parameters:
        B - the Appendable class type, usually StringBuilder or StringBuffer.
        millis - the millisecond value to format
        buf - the buffer to format into
        the specified string buffer
      • format

        public <B extends java.lang.Appendable> B format​(java.util.Date date,
                                                         B buf)
        Description copied from interface: DatePrinter
        Formats a Date object into the supplied Appendable using a GregorianCalendar.
        Specified by:
        format in interface DatePrinter
        Type Parameters:
        B - the Appendable class type, usually StringBuilder or StringBuffer.
        date - the date to format
        buf - the buffer to format into
        the specified string buffer
      • format

        public <B extends java.lang.Appendable> B format​(java.util.Calendar calendar,
                                                         B buf)
        Description copied from interface: DatePrinter
        Formats a Calendar object into the supplied Appendable. The TimeZone set on the Calendar is only used to adjust the time offset. The TimeZone specified during the construction of the Parser will determine the TimeZone used in the formatted string.
        Specified by:
        format in interface DatePrinter
        Type Parameters:
        B - the Appendable class type, usually StringBuilder or StringBuffer.
        calendar - the calendar to format
        buf - the buffer to format into
        the specified string buffer
      • getPattern

        public java.lang.String getPattern()
        Description copied from interface: DatePrinter
        Gets the pattern used by this printer.
        Specified by:
        getPattern in interface DatePrinter
        the pattern, SimpleDateFormat compatible
      • getTimeZone

        public java.util.TimeZone getTimeZone()
        Description copied from interface: DatePrinter
        Gets the time zone used by this printer.

        This zone is always used for Date printing.

        Specified by:
        getTimeZone in interface DatePrinter
        the time zone
      • getLocale

        public java.util.Locale getLocale()
        Description copied from interface: DatePrinter
        Gets the locale used by this printer.
        Specified by:
        getLocale in interface DatePrinter
        the locale
      • getMaxLengthEstimate

        public int getMaxLengthEstimate()
        Gets an estimate for the maximum string length that the formatter will produce.

        The actual formatted length will almost always be less than or equal to this amount.

        the maximum formatted length
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        Compares two objects for equality.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        obj - the object to compare to
        true if equal
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash code compatible with equals.
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        a hash code compatible with equals
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Gets a debugging string version of this formatter.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        a debugging string