Class CellCopyContext

  • @Beta
    public class CellCopyContext
    extends java.lang.Object
    Used when the cells are being copied from one workbook to another. Data like cell styles need to be managed so that we do not create too many items in the destination workbook.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CellCopyContext

        public CellCopyContext()
    • Method Detail

      • getMappedStyle

        public CellStyle getMappedStyle​(CellStyle srcStyle)
        srcStyle - style in source workbook
        style that srcStyle is mapped to or null if no mapping exists
      • putMappedStyle

        public void putMappedStyle​(CellStyle srcStyle,
                                   CellStyle mappedStyle)
        srcStyle - style in source workbook
        mappedStyle - equivalent style in destination workbook