Class XWPFRun

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  XWPFRun.FontCharRange  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addBreak()
      Specifies that a break shall be placed at the current location in the run content.
      void addBreak​(BreakClear clear)
      Specifies that a break shall be placed at the current location in the run content.
      void addBreak​(BreakType type)
      Specifies that a break shall be placed at the current location in the run content.
      void addCarriageReturn()
      Specifies that a carriage return shall be placed at the current location in the run content.
      CTInline addChart​(java.lang.String chartRelId)
      this method add chart template into document
      XWPFPicture addPicture​( pictureData, int pictureType, java.lang.String filename, int width, int height)
      Adds a picture to the run.
      XWPFPicture addPicture​( pictureData, PictureType pictureType, java.lang.String filename, int width, int height)
      Adds a picture to the run.
      void addTab()
      Specifies that a tab shall be placed at the current location in the run content.
      int getCharacterSpacing()  
      java.lang.String getColor()
      Get text color.
      CTR getCTR()
      Get the currently used CTR object
      XWPFDocument getDocument()  
      java.util.List<XWPFPicture> getEmbeddedPictures()
      Returns the embedded pictures of the run.
      STEm.Enum getEmphasisMark()
      Get the emphasis mark value for the run.
      java.lang.String getFontFamily()
      Gets the fonts which shall be used to display the text contents of this run.
      java.lang.String getFontFamily​(XWPFRun.FontCharRange fcr)
      Gets the font family for the specified font char range.
      java.lang.String getFontName()
      Alias for getFontFamily()
      int getFontSize()
      java.lang.Double getFontSizeAsDouble()
      Specifies the font size which shall be applied to all non complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed.
      int getKerning()  
      java.lang.String getLang()
      Get the language tag associated with this run, if any.
      XWPFParagraph getParagraph()
      use getParent() instead
      IRunBody getParent()
      Get the currently referenced paragraph/SDT object
      java.lang.String getPhonetic()  
      java.lang.String getPictureText()
      Returns text embedded in pictures
      java.lang.String getStyle()
      Return this run's style ID.
      java.lang.String getText​(int pos)
      Return the string content of this text run
      STHighlightColor.Enum getTextHighlightColor()
      Gets the highlight color for the run
      STHighlightColor.Enum getTextHightlightColor()
      int getTextPosition()
      This element specifies the amount by which text shall be raised or lowered for this run in relation to the default baseline of the surrounding non-positioned text.
      int getTextScale()
      Gets the current text scale value.
      UnderlinePatterns getUnderline()
      Get the underline setting for the run.
      java.lang.String getUnderlineColor()
      Get the underline color for the run's underline, if any.
      STThemeColor.Enum getUnderlineThemeColor()
      Get the underline theme color for the run's underline, if any.
      org.openxmlformats.schemas.officeDocument.x2006.sharedTypes.STVerticalAlignRun.Enum getVerticalAlignment()
      Get the vertical alignment value
      boolean isBold()
      Whether the bold property shall be applied to all non-complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed in a document
      boolean isCapitalized()  
      boolean isDoubleStrikeThrough()
      Specifies that the contents of this run shall be displayed with a double horizontal line through the center of the line.
      boolean isEmbossed()  
      boolean isHighlighted()  
      boolean isImprinted()  
      boolean isItalic()
      Whether the italic property should be applied to all non-complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed in a document.
      boolean isShadowed()  
      boolean isSmallCaps()  
      boolean isStrike()
      boolean isStrikeThrough()
      Specifies that the contents of this run shall be displayed with a single horizontal line through the center of the line.
      boolean isVanish()
      Get the vanish (hidden text) value
      void removeBreak()
      Not yet implemented.
      void removeCarriageReturn()  
      void removeTab()  
      void setBold​(boolean value)
      Whether the bold property shall be applied to all non-complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed in a document.
      void setCapitalized​(boolean value)  
      void setCharacterSpacing​(int twips)  
      void setColor​(java.lang.String rgbStr)
      Set text color.
      void setDoubleStrikethrough​(boolean value)
      Specifies that the contents of this run shall be displayed with a double horizontal line through the center of the line.
      void setEmbossed​(boolean value)  
      void setEmphasisMark​(java.lang.String markType)
      Set the emphasis mark for the run.
      void setFontFamily​(java.lang.String fontFamily)
      Specifies the fonts which shall be used to display the text contents of this run.
      void setFontFamily​(java.lang.String fontFamily, XWPFRun.FontCharRange fcr)
      Specifies the fonts which shall be used to display the text contents of this run.
      void setFontSize​(double size)
      Specifies the font size which shall be applied to all non complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed.
      void setFontSize​(int size)
      Specifies the font size which shall be applied to all non complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed.
      void setImprinted​(boolean value)  
      void setItalic​(boolean value)
      Whether the bold property shall be applied to all non-complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed in a document
      void setKerning​(int kern)  
      void setLang​(java.lang.String lang)
      Set the language tag associated with this run.
      void setShadow​(boolean value)  
      void setSmallCaps​(boolean value)  
      void setStrike​(boolean value)
      void setStrikeThrough​(boolean value)
      Specifies that the contents of this run shall be displayed with a single horizontal line through the center of the line.
      void setStyle​(java.lang.String styleId)
      Set the style ID for the run.
      void setSubscript​(VerticalAlign valign)
      Specifies the alignment which shall be applied to the contents of this run in relation to the default appearance of the run's text.
      void setText​(java.lang.String value)
      Sets the text of this text run
      void setText​(java.lang.String value, int pos)
      Sets the text of this text run in the
      void setTextHighlightColor​(java.lang.String colorName)
      Set the highlight color for the run.
      void setTextPosition​(int val)
      This element specifies the amount by which text shall be raised or lowered for this run in relation to the default baseline of the surrounding non-positioned text.
      void setTextScale​(int percentage)
      Set the text expand/collapse scale value.
      void setUnderline​(UnderlinePatterns value)
      Specifies that the contents of this run should be displayed along with an underline appearing directly below the character height.
      void setUnderlineColor​(java.lang.String color)
      Set the underline color for the run's underline, if any.
      void setUnderlineThemeColor​(java.lang.String themeColor)
      Set the underline theme color for the run's underline, if any.
      void setVanish​(boolean value)
      The vanish (hidden text) property for the run.
      void setVerticalAlignment​(java.lang.String verticalAlignment)
      Set the vertical alignment of the run.
      java.lang.String text()
      Returns the string version of the text, with tabs and carriage returns in place of their xml equivalents.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Returns the string version of the text and the phonetic string
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getCTR

        public CTR getCTR()
        Get the currently used CTR object
        ctr object
      • getParent

        public IRunBody getParent()
        Get the currently referenced paragraph/SDT object
        current parent
      • getParagraph

        public XWPFParagraph getParagraph()
        use getParent() instead
        Get the currently referenced paragraph, or null if a SDT object
      • getDocument

        public XWPFDocument getDocument()
        The XWPFDocument instance, this run belongs to, or null if parent structure (paragraph > document) is not properly set.
      • getLang

        public java.lang.String getLang()
        Get the language tag associated with this run, if any.
        the language tag associated with this run, if any
      • setLang

        public void setLang​(java.lang.String lang)
        Set the language tag associated with this run.
        lang - the language tag associated with this run
      • isBold

        public boolean isBold()
        Whether the bold property shall be applied to all non-complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed in a document
        Specified by:
        isBold in interface CharacterRun
        true if the bold property is applied
      • setBold

        public void setBold​(boolean value)
        Whether the bold property shall be applied to all non-complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed in a document.

        This formatting property is a toggle property, which specifies that its behavior differs between its use within a style definition and its use as direct formatting. When used as part of a style definition, setting this property shall toggle the current state of that property as specified up to this point in the hierarchy (i.e. applied to not applied, and vice versa). Setting it to false (or an equivalent) shall result in the current setting remaining unchanged. However, when used as direct formatting, setting this property to true or false shall set the absolute state of the resulting property.

        If this element is not present, the default value is to leave the formatting applied at previous level in the style hierarchy. If this element is never applied in the style hierarchy, then bold shall not be applied to non-complex script characters.

        Specified by:
        setBold in interface CharacterRun
        value - true if the bold property is applied to this run
      • getColor

        public java.lang.String getColor()
        Get text color. The returned value is a string in the hex form "RRGGBB". This can be null.
      • setColor

        public void setColor​(java.lang.String rgbStr)
        Set text color.
        rgbStr - - the desired color, in the hex form "RRGGBB".
      • getText

        public java.lang.String getText​(int pos)
        Return the string content of this text run
        the text of this text run or null if not set
      • getPictureText

        public java.lang.String getPictureText()
        Returns text embedded in pictures
      • setText

        public void setText​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the text of this text run
        value - the literal text which shall be displayed in the document
      • setText

        public void setText​(java.lang.String value,
                            int pos)
        Sets the text of this text run in the
        value - the literal text which shall be displayed in the document
        pos - - position in the text array (NB: 0 based)
      • isItalic

        public boolean isItalic()
        Whether the italic property should be applied to all non-complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed in a document.
        Specified by:
        isItalic in interface CharacterRun
        true if the italic property is applied
      • setItalic

        public void setItalic​(boolean value)
        Whether the bold property shall be applied to all non-complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed in a document

        This formatting property is a toggle property, which specifies that its behavior differs between its use within a style definition and its use as direct formatting. When used as part of a style definition, setting this property shall toggle the current state of that property as specified up to this point in the hierarchy (i.e. applied to not applied, and vice versa). Setting it to false (or an equivalent) shall result in the current setting remaining unchanged. However, when used as direct formatting, setting this property to true or false shall set the absolute state of the resulting property.

        If this element is not present, the default value is to leave the formatting applied at previous level in the style hierarchy. If this element is never applied in the style hierarchy, then bold shall not be applied to non-complex script characters.

        Specified by:
        setItalic in interface CharacterRun
        value - true if the italic property is applied to this run
      • getUnderline

        public UnderlinePatterns getUnderline()
        Get the underline setting for the run.
        the Underline pattern applied to this run
        See Also:
      • setUnderline

        public void setUnderline​(UnderlinePatterns value)
        Specifies that the contents of this run should be displayed along with an underline appearing directly below the character height.

        If this element is not present, the default value is to leave the formatting applied at previous level in the style hierarchy. If this element is never applied in the style hierarchy, then an underline shall not be applied to the contents of this run.

        value - - underline type
        See Also:
      • setUnderlineColor

        public void setUnderlineColor​(java.lang.String color)
        Set the underline color for the run's underline, if any.
        color - An RGB color value (e.g, "a0C6F3") or "auto".
      • setUnderlineThemeColor

        public void setUnderlineThemeColor​(java.lang.String themeColor)
        Set the underline theme color for the run's underline, if any.
        themeColor - A theme color name (see STThemeColor.Enum).
      • getUnderlineThemeColor

        public STThemeColor.Enum getUnderlineThemeColor()
        Get the underline theme color for the run's underline, if any.
        The STThemeColor.Enum.
      • getUnderlineColor

        public java.lang.String getUnderlineColor()
        Get the underline color for the run's underline, if any.
        The RGB color value as as a string of hexadecimal digits (e.g., "A0B2F1") or "auto".
      • isStrikeThrough

        public boolean isStrikeThrough()
        Specifies that the contents of this run shall be displayed with a single horizontal line through the center of the line.
        Specified by:
        isStrikeThrough in interface CharacterRun
        true if the strike property is applied
      • setStrikeThrough

        public void setStrikeThrough​(boolean value)
        Specifies that the contents of this run shall be displayed with a single horizontal line through the center of the line.

        This formatting property is a toggle property, which specifies that its behaviour differs between its use within a style definition and its use as direct formatting. When used as part of a style definition, setting this property shall toggle the current state of that property as specified up to this point in the hierarchy (i.e. applied to not applied, and vice versa). Setting it to false (or an equivalent) shall result in the current setting remaining unchanged. However, when used as direct formatting, setting this property to true or false shall set the absolute state of the resulting property.

        If this element is not present, the default value is to leave the formatting applied at previous level in the style hierarchy. If this element is never applied in the style hierarchy, then strikethrough shall not be applied to the contents of this run.

        Specified by:
        setStrikeThrough in interface CharacterRun
        value - true if the strike property is applied to this run
      • isStrike

        public boolean isStrike()
      • setStrike

        public void setStrike​(boolean value)
      • isDoubleStrikeThrough

        public boolean isDoubleStrikeThrough()
        Specifies that the contents of this run shall be displayed with a double horizontal line through the center of the line.
        Specified by:
        isDoubleStrikeThrough in interface CharacterRun
        true if the double strike property is applied
      • setDoubleStrikethrough

        public void setDoubleStrikethrough​(boolean value)
        Specifies that the contents of this run shall be displayed with a double horizontal line through the center of the line.
        Specified by:
        setDoubleStrikethrough in interface CharacterRun
        See Also:
        for the rules about this
      • setShadow

        public void setShadow​(boolean value)
        Specified by:
        setShadow in interface CharacterRun
      • setSubscript

        public void setSubscript​(VerticalAlign valign)
        Specifies the alignment which shall be applied to the contents of this run in relation to the default appearance of the run's text. This allows the text to be repositioned as subscript or superscript without altering the font size of the run properties.

        If this element is not present, the default value is to leave the formatting applied at previous level in the style hierarchy. If this element is never applied in the style hierarchy, then the text shall not be subscript or superscript relative to the default baseline location for the contents of this run.

        valign - Type of vertical align to apply
        See Also:
      • getFontFamily

        public java.lang.String getFontFamily()
        Gets the fonts which shall be used to display the text contents of this run. Specifies a font which shall be used to format all characters in the ASCII range (0 - 127) within the parent run
        a string representing the font family
      • setFontFamily

        public void setFontFamily​(java.lang.String fontFamily)
        Specifies the fonts which shall be used to display the text contents of this run. Specifies a font which shall be used to format all characters in the ASCII range (0 - 127) within the parent run.

        Also sets the other font ranges, if they haven't been set before

        fontFamily - The font family to apply
        See Also:
      • getFontFamily

        public java.lang.String getFontFamily​(XWPFRun.FontCharRange fcr)
        Gets the font family for the specified font char range. If fcr is null, the font char range "ascii" is used
        fcr - the font char range, defaults to "ansi"
        a string representing the font famil
      • setFontFamily

        public void setFontFamily​(java.lang.String fontFamily,
                                  XWPFRun.FontCharRange fcr)
        Specifies the fonts which shall be used to display the text contents of this run. The default handling for fcr == null is to overwrite the ascii font char range with the given font family and also set all not specified font ranges
        fontFamily - The font family to apply
        fcr - FontCharRange or null for default handling
      • getFontSize

        public int getFontSize()
        Specifies the font size which shall be applied to all non complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed.
        Specified by:
        getFontSize in interface CharacterRun
        value representing the font size (non-integer size will be rounded with half rounding up, -1 is returned if size not set)
      • getFontSizeAsDouble

        public java.lang.Double getFontSizeAsDouble()
        Specifies the font size which shall be applied to all non complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed.
        Specified by:
        getFontSizeAsDouble in interface CharacterRun
        value representing the font size (can be null if size not set)
        POI 5.0.0
      • setFontSize

        public void setFontSize​(int size)
        Specifies the font size which shall be applied to all non complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed.

        If this element is not present, the default value is to leave the value applied at previous level in the style hierarchy. If this element is never applied in the style hierarchy, then any appropriate font size may be used for non complex script characters.

        Specified by:
        setFontSize in interface CharacterRun
        size - The font size as number of point measurements.
        See Also:
      • setFontSize

        public void setFontSize​(double size)
        Specifies the font size which shall be applied to all non complex script characters in the contents of this run when displayed.

        If this element is not present, the default value is to leave the value applied at previous level in the style hierarchy. If this element is never applied in the style hierarchy, then any appropriate font size may be used for non complex script characters.

        Specified by:
        setFontSize in interface CharacterRun
        size - The font size as number of point measurements.
        POI 5.0.0
        See Also:
      • getTextPosition

        public int getTextPosition()
        This element specifies the amount by which text shall be raised or lowered for this run in relation to the default baseline of the surrounding non-positioned text. This allows the text to be repositioned without altering the font size of the contents.
        a big integer representing the amount of text shall be "moved"
      • setTextPosition

        public void setTextPosition​(int val)
        This element specifies the amount by which text shall be raised or lowered for this run in relation to the default baseline of the surrounding non-positioned text. This allows the text to be repositioned without altering the font size of the contents.

        If the val attribute is positive, then the parent run shall be raised above the baseline of the surrounding text by the specified number of half-points. If the val attribute is negative, then the parent run shall be lowered below the baseline of the surrounding text by the specified number of half-points.

        If this element is not present, the default value is to leave the formatting applied at previous level in the style hierarchy. If this element is never applied in the style hierarchy, then the text shall not be raised or lowered relative to the default baseline location for the contents of this run.

        val - Positive values will raise the baseline of the text, negative values will lower it.
      • removeBreak

        public void removeBreak()
        Not yet implemented.
      • addBreak

        public void addBreak()
        Specifies that a break shall be placed at the current location in the run content. A break is a special character which is used to override the normal line breaking that would be performed based on the normal layout of the document's contents.
        See Also:
      • addBreak

        public void addBreak​(BreakType type)
        Specifies that a break shall be placed at the current location in the run content. A break is a special character which is used to override the normal line breaking that would be performed based on the normal layout of the document's contents.

        The behavior of this break character (the location where text shall be restarted after this break) shall be determined by its type values.

        See Also:
      • addBreak

        public void addBreak​(BreakClear clear)
        Specifies that a break shall be placed at the current location in the run content. A break is a special character which is used to override the normal line breaking that would be performed based on the normal layout of the document's contents.

        The behavior of this break character (the location where text shall be restarted after this break) shall be determined by its type (in this case is BreakType.TEXT_WRAPPING as default) and clear attribute values.

        See Also:
      • addTab

        public void addTab()
        Specifies that a tab shall be placed at the current location in the run content.
      • removeTab

        public void removeTab()
      • addCarriageReturn

        public void addCarriageReturn()
        Specifies that a carriage return shall be placed at the current location in the run content. A carriage return is used to end the current line of text in Wordprocess. The behavior of a carriage return in run content shall be identical to a break character with null type and clear attributes, which shall end the current line and find the next available line on which to continue. The carriage return character forced the following text to be restarted on the next available line in the document.
      • removeCarriageReturn

        public void removeCarriageReturn()
      • addPicture

        public XWPFPicture addPicture​( pictureData,
                                      PictureType pictureType,
                                      java.lang.String filename,
                                      int width,
                                      int height)
                               throws InvalidFormatException,
        Adds a picture to the run. This method handles attaching the picture data to the overall file.
        pictureData - The raw picture data
        pictureType - The PictureType of the picture
        width - width in EMUs. To convert to / from points use Units
        height - height in EMUs. To convert to / from points use Units
        InvalidFormatException - If the format of the picture is not known. - If reading the picture-data from the stream fails.
        POI 5.2.3
      • addChart

        public CTInline addChart​(java.lang.String chartRelId)
                          throws InvalidFormatException,
        this method add chart template into document
        chartRelId - relation id of chart in document relation file
        POI 4.0.0
      • getEmbeddedPictures

        public java.util.List<XWPFPicture> getEmbeddedPictures()
        Returns the embedded pictures of the run. These are pictures which reference an external, embedded picture image such as a .png or .jpg
      • setStyle

        public void setStyle​(java.lang.String styleId)
        Set the style ID for the run.
        styleId - ID (not name) of the style to set for the run, e.g. "BoldItalic" (not "Bold Italic").
        POI 4.1.1
      • getStyle

        public java.lang.String getStyle()
        Return this run's style ID. If this run has no style (no run properties or properties without a style), an empty string is returned.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns the string version of the text and the phonetic string
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • text

        public java.lang.String text()
        Returns the string version of the text, with tabs and carriage returns in place of their xml equivalents.
        Specified by:
        text in interface CharacterRun
        The text of the run, including any tabs/spaces/etc
      • getPhonetic

        public java.lang.String getPhonetic()
        the phonetic (ruby) string associated with this run or an empty String if none exists
      • setTextScale

        public void setTextScale​(int percentage)
        Set the text expand/collapse scale value.
        percentage - The percentage to expand or compress the text
      • getTextScale

        public int getTextScale()
        Gets the current text scale value.
        Value is an integer percentage
      • setTextHighlightColor

        public void setTextHighlightColor​(java.lang.String colorName)
        Set the highlight color for the run. Silently does nothing of colorName is not a recognized value.
        colorName - The name of the color as defined in the ST_HighlightColor simple type (STHighlightColor)
      • getTextHighlightColor

        public STHighlightColor.Enum getTextHighlightColor()
        Gets the highlight color for the run
        STHighlightColor for the run. The default is NONE;
      • isVanish

        public boolean isVanish()
        Get the vanish (hidden text) value
        True if the run is hidden text.
      • setVanish

        public void setVanish​(boolean value)
        The vanish (hidden text) property for the run.
        value - Set to true to make the run hidden text.
      • getVerticalAlignment

        public org.openxmlformats.schemas.officeDocument.x2006.sharedTypes.STVerticalAlignRun.Enum getVerticalAlignment()
        Get the vertical alignment value
        STVerticalAlignRun.Enum value (see ST_VerticalAlignRun (Vertical Positioning Location)). The default is BASELINE.
      • setVerticalAlignment

        public void setVerticalAlignment​(java.lang.String verticalAlignment)
        Set the vertical alignment of the run.
        verticalAlignment - Vertical alignment value, one of "baseline", "superscript", or "subscript".
      • getEmphasisMark

        public STEm.Enum getEmphasisMark()
        Get the emphasis mark value for the run.
        STEm.Enum emphasis mark type enumeration. See 17.18.24 ST_Em (Emphasis Mark Type). The default is NONE.
      • setEmphasisMark

        public void setEmphasisMark​(java.lang.String markType)
        Set the emphasis mark for the run. The emphasis mark goes above or below the run text.
        markType - Emphasis mark type name, e.g., "dot" or "none". See 17.18.24 ST_Em (Emphasis Mark Type)