Class BaseSchemaResourceManager

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      SchemaImportResolver.SchemaResource lookupResource​(java.lang.String nsURI, java.lang.String schemaLocation)
      Called when the ImportLoader wishes to resolve the given import.
      void process​(java.lang.String[] uris, java.lang.String[] filenames, boolean sync, boolean refresh, boolean imports)  
      void processAll​(boolean sync, boolean refresh, boolean imports)  
      void reportActualNamespace​(SchemaImportResolver.SchemaResource rresource, java.lang.String actualNamespace)
      Updates actual namespace in the table.
      void syncCacheWithLocalXsdFiles​(java.lang.String[] filenames, boolean deleteOnlyMentioned)
      Adds items to the cache that point to new files that aren't described in the cache, and optionally deletes old entries.
      void writeCache()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • writeCache

        public final void writeCache()
      • processAll

        public final void processAll​(boolean sync,
                                     boolean refresh,
                                     boolean imports)
      • process

        public final void process​(java.lang.String[] uris,
                                  java.lang.String[] filenames,
                                  boolean sync,
                                  boolean refresh,
                                  boolean imports)
      • syncCacheWithLocalXsdFiles

        public final void syncCacheWithLocalXsdFiles​(java.lang.String[] filenames,
                                                     boolean deleteOnlyMentioned)
        Adds items to the cache that point to new files that aren't described in the cache, and optionally deletes old entries.

        If an old file is gone and a new file is found with exactly the same contents, the cache entry is moved to point to the new file.

      • lookupResource

        public SchemaImportResolver.SchemaResource lookupResource​(java.lang.String nsURI,
                                                                  java.lang.String schemaLocation)
        Called when the ImportLoader wishes to resolve the given import. Should return a SchemaResource whose "equals" relationship reveals when a SchemaResource is duplicated and shouldn't be examined again.

        Returns null if the resource reference should be ignored.

        Specified by:
        lookupResource in class SchemaImportResolver