Interface SchemaProperty

    • Method Detail

      • getContainerType

        SchemaType getContainerType()
        The type within which this property appears
      • getName

        javax.xml.namespace.QName getName()
        The name of this element or attribute
      • acceptedNames

        javax.xml.namespace.QName[] acceptedNames()
        For element properties the set of names that are accepted for this property if this element is the head of a substitution group. This will always have at least one element, ie, the property's name.
      • getJavaPropertyName

        java.lang.String getJavaPropertyName()
        The Java name for this property. For example, if the method to access this property is called getFirstName, then this method returns the string "FirstName". May be null if the schema type has not been compiled to Java.
      • isReadOnly

        boolean isReadOnly()
        True for read-only properties.
      • isAttribute

        boolean isAttribute()
        True for attributes.
      • getType

        SchemaType getType()
        The schema type for the property.
      • javaBasedOnType

        SchemaType javaBasedOnType()
        The schema type returned from the Java getter for this property. Applies only to types that have been code generated to Java; may be a base type of getType().
      • extendsJavaSingleton

        boolean extendsJavaSingleton()
        True if there is a Java getter that returns a singleton.
      • extendsJavaOption

        boolean extendsJavaOption()
        True if there is an Java isSet method that tests for presence.
      • extendsJavaArray

        boolean extendsJavaArray()
        True if there is a Java getter that returns an array.
      • getJavaTypeCode

        int getJavaTypeCode()
        Returns the natural Java type for this property. Returns either XML_OBJECT (for complex types) or one of the JAVA_* constants described in this interface.
      • getJavaSetterDelimiter

        QNameSet getJavaSetterDelimiter()
        Returns the set of element names which should appear strictly after all occurences of the elements described by this property. For element properties only.
      • getMinOccurs

        java.math.BigInteger getMinOccurs()
        Returns a summarized minimum occurrance number. For example, a sequence containing a nonoptional singleton element repeated twice will result in a property getMinOccurs() of 2.
      • getMaxOccurs

        java.math.BigInteger getMaxOccurs()
        Returns a summarized minimum occurrance number. For example, a sequence containing a nonoptional singleton element repeated twice will result in a property getMaxOccurs() of 2.
      • hasNillable

        int hasNillable()
        Returns NEVER, VARIABLE, or CONSISTENTLY nillable, depending on the nillability of the elements in this property.
      • hasDefault

        int hasDefault()
        Returns NEVER, VARIABLE, or CONSISTENTLY defaulted, depending on the defaults present in the elements in this property.
      • hasFixed

        int hasFixed()
        Returns NEVER, VARIABLE, or CONSISTENTLY fixed, depending on the fixed constraints present in the elements in this property.
      • getDefaultText

        java.lang.String getDefaultText()
        Returns the default or fixed value, if it is consistent. If it is not consistent, then returns null. See hasDefault() and hasFixed().
      • getDefaultValue

        XmlAnySimpleType getDefaultValue()
        Returns the default or fixed value as a strongly-typed value, if it is consistent. If it is not consistent, then returns null. See hasDefault() and hasFixed().
      • getDocumentation

        java.lang.String getDocumentation()
        return user specified documentation
      • setDocumentation

        void setDocumentation​(java.lang.String documentation)