Class XmlOptionCharEscapeMap

  • public class XmlOptionCharEscapeMap
    extends java.lang.Object
    Corresponds to the Saver and XmlOptions.

    This class is used to set up a map containing characters to be escaped. Characters can be escaped as hex, decimal or as a predefined entity (this latter option applies only to the 5 characters defined as predefined entities in the XML Spec).

    For example:

          XmlOptionCharEscapeMap escapes = new XmlOptionCharEscapeMap();
          escapes.addMapping('A', XmlOptionCharEscapeMap.HEXADECIMAL);
          escapes.addMapping('B', XmlOptionCharEscapeMap.DECIMAL);
          escapes.addMapping('>', XmlOptionCharEscapeMap.PREDEF_ENTITY);
          XmlOptions opts = new XmlOptions();
          will result in:
          A being printed as A
          B being printed as B
          > being printed as >
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Construct a new XmlOptionCharEncoder.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addMapping​(char ch, int mode)
      set up this character to be escaped in output documents according to the given mode
      void addMappings​(char ch1, char ch2, int mode)
      set up this contiguous set of characters to be escaped in output documents according to the given mode
      boolean containsChar​(char ch)  
      java.lang.String getEscapedString​(char ch)
      returns the escaped String for the character
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • XmlOptionCharEscapeMap

        public XmlOptionCharEscapeMap()
        Construct a new XmlOptionCharEncoder.
    • Method Detail

      • containsChar

        public boolean containsChar​(char ch)
        whether a character encoding exists for this character
      • addMapping

        public void addMapping​(char ch,
                               int mode)
                        throws XmlException
        set up this character to be escaped in output documents according to the given mode
      • addMappings

        public void addMappings​(char ch1,
                                char ch2,
                                int mode)
                         throws XmlException
        set up this contiguous set of characters to be escaped in output documents according to the given mode
      • getEscapedString

        public java.lang.String getEscapedString​(char ch)
        returns the escaped String for the character