Class AggregateTranslator

  • public class AggregateTranslator
    extends CharSequenceTranslator
    Executes a sequence of translators one after the other. Execution ends whenever the first translator consumes code points from the input.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int translate​(java.lang.CharSequence input, int index, writer)
      The first translator to consume code points from the input is the 'winner'.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • AggregateTranslator

        public AggregateTranslator​(CharSequenceTranslator... translators)
        Specify the translators to be used at creation time.
        translators - CharSequenceTranslator array to aggregate
    • Method Detail

      • translate

        public int translate​(java.lang.CharSequence input,
                             int index,
        The first translator to consume code points from the input is the 'winner'. Execution stops with the number of consumed code points being returned. Translate a set of code points, represented by an int index into a CharSequence, into another set of code points. The number of code points consumed must be returned, and the only IOExceptions thrown must be from interacting with the Writer so that the top level API may reliably ignore StringWriter IOExceptions.
        Specified by:
        translate in class CharSequenceTranslator
        input - CharSequence that is being translated
        index - int representing the current point of translation
        writer - Writer to translate the text to
        int count of code points consumed
        Throws: - if and only if the Writer produces an IOException