Class XWPFDefaultRunStyle

  • public class XWPFDefaultRunStyle
    extends java.lang.Object
    Default Character Run style, from which other styles will override TODO Share logic with XWPFRun which also uses CTRPr
    • Constructor Detail

      • XWPFDefaultRunStyle

        public XWPFDefaultRunStyle​(CTRPr rpr)
    • Method Detail

      • getFontSize

        public int getFontSize()
        Specifies the font size.
        value representing the font size (non-integer size will be rounded with half rounding up, -1 is returned if size not set)
      • getFontSizeAsDouble

        public java.lang.Double getFontSizeAsDouble()
        Specifies the font size.
        value representing the font size (can be null if size is not set)
        POI 5.0.0