Class XSSFChart

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class XSSFChart
    extends org.apache.poi.xddf.usermodel.chart.XDDFChart
    Represents a SpreadsheetML Chart
    • Method Detail

      • getGraphicFrame

        public XSSFGraphicFrame getGraphicFrame()
        Returns the parent graphic frame.
        the graphic frame this chart belongs to
      • getTitleText

        public XSSFRichTextString getTitleText()
        Returns the title static text, or null if none is set. Note that a title formula may be set instead. Empty text result is for backward compatibility, and could mean the title text is empty or there is a formula instead. Check for a formula first, falling back on text for cleaner logic.
        static title text if set, null if there is no title, empty string if the title text is empty or the title uses a formula instead
      • getTitleFormula

        public java.lang.String getTitleFormula()
        Get the chart title formula expression if there is one
        formula expression or null
      • setTitleFormula

        public void setTitleFormula​(java.lang.String formula)
        Set the formula expression to use for the chart title