Class XSSFFontFormatting

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      short getEscapementType()
      get the type of super or subscript for the font
      XSSFColor getFontColor()  
      short getFontColorIndex()  
      int getFontHeight()
      gets the height of the font in 1/20th point units
      short getUnderlineType()
      get the type of underlining for the font
      boolean isBold()
      get whether the font weight is set to bold or not
      boolean isItalic()  
      boolean isStruckout()
      XMLBeans and the XSD make this look like it can have multiple values, but it is maxOccurrs=1.
      void resetFontStyle()
      set font style options to default values (non-italic, non-bold)
      void setEscapementType​(short escapementType)
      set the escapement type for the font
      void setFontColor​(Color color)
      Sets the colour to use
      void setFontColorIndex​(short color)
      Sets the indexed colour to use
      void setFontHeight​(int height)
      Sets the height of the font in 1/20th point units
      void setFontStyle​(boolean italic, boolean bold)
      set font style options.
      void setUnderlineType​(short underlineType)
      set the type of underlining type for the font
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait