Class BinaryTagDataBlob

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    GenericRecord, PositionDependentRecord

    public final class BinaryTagDataBlob
    extends PositionDependentRecordContainer
    If we come across a record we know has children of (potential) interest, but where the record itself is boring, but where other records may care about where this one lives, we create one of these. It allows us to get at the children, and track where on disk this is, but not much else. Anything done using this should quite quickly be transitioned to its own proper record class!
    • Method Detail

      • getRecordType

        public long getRecordType()
        Return the value we were given at creation
        Specified by:
        getRecordType in class Record
      • writeOut

        public void writeOut​( out)
        Write the contents of the record back, so it can be written to disk
        Specified by:
        writeOut in class Record