Class RevocationData

  • public class RevocationData
    extends java.lang.Object
    Container class for PKI revocation data.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addCertificate​( x509)  
      void addCRL​(byte[] encodedCrl)
      Adds a CRL to this revocation data set.
      void addCRL​( crl)
      Adds a CRL to this revocation data set.
      void addOCSP​(byte[] encodedOcsp)
      Adds an OCSP response to this revocation data set.
      java.util.List<byte[]> getCRLs()
      Gives back a list of all CRLs.
      java.util.List<byte[]> getOCSPs()
      Gives back a list of all OCSP responses.
      java.util.List<> getX509chain()  
      boolean hasCRLs()
      Returns true if this revocation data set holds CRLs.
      boolean hasOCSPs()
      Returns true if this revocation data set holds OCSP responses.
      boolean hasRevocationDataEntries()
      Returns true if this revocation data is not empty.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • RevocationData

        public RevocationData()
    • Method Detail

      • addCRL

        public void addCRL​(byte[] encodedCrl)
        Adds a CRL to this revocation data set.
      • addCRL

        public void addCRL​( crl)
        Adds a CRL to this revocation data set.
      • addOCSP

        public void addOCSP​(byte[] encodedOcsp)
        Adds an OCSP response to this revocation data set.
      • addCertificate

        public void addCertificate​( x509)
      • getCRLs

        public java.util.List<byte[]> getCRLs()
        Gives back a list of all CRLs.
        a list of all CRLs
      • getOCSPs

        public java.util.List<byte[]> getOCSPs()
        Gives back a list of all OCSP responses.
        a list of all OCSP response
      • hasOCSPs

        public boolean hasOCSPs()
        Returns true if this revocation data set holds OCSP responses.
        true if this revocation data set holds OCSP responses.
      • hasCRLs

        public boolean hasCRLs()
        Returns true if this revocation data set holds CRLs.
        true if this revocation data set holds CRLs.
      • hasRevocationDataEntries

        public boolean hasRevocationDataEntries()
        Returns true if this revocation data is not empty.
        true if this revocation data is not empty.
      • getX509chain

        public java.util.List<> getX509chain()