Class PDF417Encoder

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PDF417Encoder extends Object implements BarcodeEncoder
Ported from PDF417Encoder.cpp
  • Constructor Details

    • PDF417Encoder

      public PDF417Encoder()
  • Method Details

    • encode

      public BufferedImage encode(char[] message, BarcodeGenerationParams pmpParams) throws PDF417EncoderException
      Encode the message into a PDF417 symbol. param message - The byte message to be placed in the symbol. param parameters - The encoding parameters. param numberOfParameters - The number of encoding parameters. The encoding parameters are: Resolution Type: int32. Required: yes. Range: must be greater than 0. Description: The DPI resolution. This is used along with the XSymWidth and XSymHeight parameters to calculate the size of the output image in pixels. ECC Type: int32 Required: no. Default: 4. Range: 0 - 8. Description: The ECC level to use in the barcode. Width Type: double. Required: yes. Range: must be greater than 0.0. Description: The width of the barcode image in inches. Height Type: double. Required: yes. Range: must be greater than 0.0. Description: The height of the barcode image in inches. XSymWidth Type: int. Required: no. Default: 4. Range: must be greater than 0. Description: The x-dimension of the barcode in pixels. XSymHeight Type: int. Required: no. Default: 8. Range: must be greater than 0. Description: The y-dimension of the barcode in pixels. nCodeWordCol Type: int. Required: yes/no. Range: must be greater than 0. Description: The number of data columns in the barcode. nCodeWordRow Type: int. Required: yes/no. Range: must be greater than 0. Description: The number of data rows in the barcode.
      Specified by:
      encode in interface BarcodeEncoder
      message - message to be encoded in barcode
      pmpParams - barcode params
      barcode image