Interface MCMPlugin

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface MCMPlugin
Plugin to extend MCM with Experiences and Touchpoints. Being registered in the AdapterFactory of the MCM package during bundle installation.
  • Method Details

    • getPluginId

      String getPluginId()
      An id string for identification of the plugin - for example for the Javascript plugin part. Should refer to only one plugin.
      for example twitter
    • getTouchpointRootComponents

      Collection<String> getTouchpointRootComponents()
    • getExperienceRootComponents

      Collection<String> getExperienceRootComponents()
    • makeExperience

      Experience makeExperience(Resource adaptable)
      Should try it's best to make an experience out of the adaptable. Should not check for the component type, because component types might be subtyped and AdapterFactory can be configured to deal with that by setting up indirection via setting up a configuration: with a property setting of:
      adaptable -
    • makeTouchpoint

      Touchpoint makeTouchpoint(Resource adaptable)
      Should try it's best to make an experience out of the adaptable. Should not check for the component type, because component types might be subtyped and AdapterFactory can be configured to deal with that by setting up indirection via configuration of a
      adaptable -
    • findReferencedTouchpoints

      Iterator<Resource> findReferencedTouchpoints(ResourceResolver rr, String pathOrCampaignPath)
      Finds the touchpoints referenced underneath the given path and/or the touchpoints that might display experience of the given campaign if the path is a campaign.
      pathOrCampaignPath -