Package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version

@Version("1.0.0") package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version
  • Class
    An activity is a resource that selects a set of versions that are on a single "line of descent", where a line of descent is a sequence of versions connected by successor relationships.
    BaselineResource represents the 'version' of a configuration which is represented by a 'version-controlled-configuration' (VCC) resource.
    DeltaVConstants defines the following headers and properties required for any resource that is compliant to RFC 3253:

    The DeltaVResource encapsulates the functionality common to all DeltaV compliant resources.
    DeltaVServletRequest provides extension useful for functionality related to RFC 3253.
    LabelInfo encapsulates the request body of a LABEL request used to add, set or remove a label from the requested version resource or from that version specified with the Label header in case the requested resource is a version-controlled resource.

    The request body (thus the 'labelElement' passed to the constructor must be a DAV:label element:
    MergeInfo encapsulates the information present in the DAV:merge element, that forms the mandatory request body of a MERGE request.
    The DAV:merge element is specified to have the following form.
    OptionsInfo represents the Xml request body, that may be present with a OPTIONS request.
    OptionsResponse encapsulates the DAV:options-response element present in the response body of a successful OPTIONS request (with body).
    The SupportedMethodSetProperty
    UpdateInfo encapsulates the request body of an UPDATE request.
    VersionableResource represents an extension to the basic DeltaVResource, that allows to adding version-control support.
    The VersionControlledResource represents in contrast to the VersionableResource a resource, that has already been put under version-control.
    VersionHistoryResource represents a collection that has all versions of a given version-controlled resource as members.
    VersionResource is a resource that contains a copy of a particular state of a version-controlled resource.
    A workspace resource is a collection whose members are related version-controlled and non-version-controlled resources.