Class HwmfMisc.WmfCreateBrushIndirect

All Implemented Interfaces:
GenericRecord, HwmfObjectTableEntry, HwmfRecord
Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public static class HwmfMisc.WmfCreateBrushIndirect extends Object implements HwmfRecord, HwmfObjectTableEntry
The META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT record creates a Brush Object from a LogBrush Object. The following table shows the relationship between values in the BrushStyle, ColorRef and BrushHatch fields in a LogBrush Object. Only supported brush styles are listed.
Relationship between values in the BrushStyle, ColorRef and BrushHatch fields
BrushStyle ColorRef BrushHatch
BS_SOLID SHOULD be a ColorRef Object, which determines the color of the brush. Not used, and SHOULD be ignored.
BS_NULL Not used, and SHOULD be ignored. Not used, and SHOULD be ignored.
BS_PATTERN Not used, and SHOULD be ignored. Not used. A default object, such as a solidcolor black Brush Object, MAY be created.
BS_DIBPATTERN Not used, and SHOULD be ignored. Not used. A default object, such as a solidcolor black Brush Object, MAY be created
BS_DIBPATTERNPT Not used, and SHOULD be ignored. Not used. A default object, such as a solidcolor black Brush Object, MAY be created.
BS_HATCHED SHOULD be a ColorRef Object, which determines the foreground color of the hatch pattern. A value from the HwmfHatchStyle Enumeration that specifies the orientation of lines used to create the hatch.