Class XWPFHeaderFooter

    • Method Detail

      • getBodyElements

        public java.util.List<IBodyElement> getBodyElements()
        Description copied from interface: IBody
        Returns an Iterator with paragraphs and tables, in the order that they occur in the text.
        Specified by:
        getBodyElements in interface IBody
      • getParagraphs

        public java.util.List<XWPFParagraph> getParagraphs()
        Returns the paragraph(s) that holds the text of the header or footer. Normally there is only the one paragraph, but there could be more in certain cases, or a table.
        Specified by:
        getParagraphs in interface IBody
      • getTables

        public java.util.List<XWPFTable> getTables()
                                            throws java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
        Return the table(s) that holds the text of the header or footer, for complex cases where a paragraph isn't used. Normally there's just one paragraph, but some complex headers/footers have a table or two in addition.
        Specified by:
        getTables in interface IBody
      • getText

        public java.lang.String getText()
        Returns the textual content of the header/footer, by flattening out the text of its paragraph(s)
      • setHeaderFooter

        public void setHeaderFooter​(CTHdrFtr headerFooter)
        set a new headerFooter
      • getTable

        public XWPFTable getTable​(CTTbl ctTable)
        if there is a corresponding XWPFTable of the parameter ctTable in the tableList of this header the method will return this table if there is no corresponding XWPFTable the method will return null
        Specified by:
        getTable in interface IBody
      • getParagraph

        public XWPFParagraph getParagraph​(CTP p)
        Description copied from interface: IBody
        Returns the paragraph corresponding to the provided CTP.
        Specified by:
        getParagraph in interface IBody
        p - is instance of CTP and is searching for an XWPFParagraph
        The paragraph corresponding to the CTP, or null if there is no corresponding paragraph in this body.
      • getParagraphArray

        public XWPFParagraph getParagraphArray​(int pos)
        Returns the paragraph that holds the text of the header or footer.
        Specified by:
        getParagraphArray in interface IBody
      • getListParagraph

        public java.util.List<XWPFParagraph> getListParagraph()
        get a List of all Paragraphs
        a list of XWPFParagraph
      • getAllPackagePictures

        public java.util.List<XWPFPictureData> getAllPackagePictures()
        get all Pictures in this package
        all Pictures in this package
      • addPictureData

        public java.lang.String addPictureData​(byte[] pictureData,
                                               PictureType pictureType)
                                        throws InvalidFormatException
        Adds a picture to the document.
        pictureData - The picture data
        pictureType - The PictureType of the picture.
        the index to this picture (0 based), the added picture can be obtained from getAllPictures() .
        InvalidFormatException - If the format of the picture is not known.
        POI 5.2.3
      • addPictureData

        public java.lang.String addPictureData​( is,
                                               int format)
                                        throws InvalidFormatException,
        Adds a picture to the document.
        is - The stream to read image from
        format - The format of the picture.
        the index to this picture (0 based), the added picture can be obtained from getAllPictures() .
        InvalidFormatException - If the format of the picture is not known. - If reading the picture-data from the stream fails.
        See Also:
        addPictureData(InputStream, PictureType)
      • addPictureData

        public java.lang.String addPictureData​( is,
                                               PictureType pictureType)
                                        throws InvalidFormatException,
        Adds a picture to the document.
        is - The stream to read image from
        pictureType - The PictureType of the picture.
        the index to this picture (0 based), the added picture can be obtained from getAllPictures() .
        InvalidFormatException - If the format of the picture is not known. - If reading the picture-data from the stream fails.
        POI 5.2.3
      • getPictureDataByID

        public XWPFPictureData getPictureDataByID​(java.lang.String blipID)
        returns the PictureData by blipID
        XWPFPictureData of a specificID
      • createParagraph

        public XWPFParagraph createParagraph()
        Adds a new paragraph at the end of the header or footer
        new XWPFParagraph object
      • createTable

        public XWPFTable createTable​(int rows,
                                     int cols)
        Adds a new table at the end of the header or footer
        rows - - number of rows in the table
        cols - - number of columns in the table
        new XWPFTable object
      • removeParagraph

        public void removeParagraph​(XWPFParagraph paragraph)
        Removes a specific paragraph from this header / footer
        paragraph - - XWPFParagraph object to remove
      • removeTable

        public void removeTable​(XWPFTable table)
        Removes a specific table from this header / footer
        table - - XWPFTable object to remove
      • clearHeaderFooter

        public void clearHeaderFooter()
        Clears all paragraphs and tables from this header / footer
      • insertNewTbl

        public XWPFTable insertNewTbl​(XmlCursor cursor)
        Description copied from interface: IBody
        inserts a new Table at the cursor position.
        Specified by:
        insertNewTbl in interface IBody
        the inserted table
      • getTableArray

        public XWPFTable getTableArray​(int pos)
        Returns the table at position pos
        Specified by:
        getTableArray in interface IBody
      • insertTable

        public void insertTable​(int pos,
                                XWPFTable table)
        inserts an existing XWPFTable to the arrays bodyElements and tables
        Specified by:
        insertTable in interface IBody
      • readHdrFtr

        public void readHdrFtr()
      • setXWPFDocument

        public void setXWPFDocument​(XWPFDocument doc)
      • getPart

        public POIXMLDocumentPart getPart()
        returns the Part, to which the body belongs, which you need for adding relationship to other parts
        Specified by:
        getPart in interface IBody
        the Part, to which the body belongs