Class XWPFStyles

  • public class XWPFStyles
    extends POIXMLDocumentPart
    Holds details of built-in, default and user styles, which apply to tables / paragraphs / lists etc. Text within one of those with custom stylings has the style information stored in the XWPFRun
    • Constructor Detail

      • XWPFStyles

        public XWPFStyles​(PackagePart part)
        Construct XWPFStyles from a package part
        part - the package part holding the data of the styles,
        POI 3.14-Beta1
      • XWPFStyles

        public XWPFStyles()
        Construct XWPFStyles from scratch for a new document.
    • Method Detail

      • setStyles

        public void setStyles​(CTStyles styles)
        Sets the ctStyles
        styles - The CTStyles object to set
      • styleExist

        public boolean styleExist​(java.lang.String styleID)
        checks whether style with styleID exist
        styleID - styleID of the Style in the style-Document
        true if style exist, false if style not exist
      • addStyle

        public void addStyle​(XWPFStyle style)
        add a style to the document
        style - The style to add
      • getStyle

        public XWPFStyle getStyle​(java.lang.String styleID)
        Get style by a styleID
        styleID - styleID of the searched style
      • getNumberOfStyles

        public int getNumberOfStyles()
      • getUsedStyleList

        public java.util.List<XWPFStyle> getUsedStyleList​(XWPFStyle style)
        get the styles which are related to the parameter style and their relatives this method can be used to copy all styles from one document to another document
        style - The style to look for
        a list of all styles which were used by this method
      • setSpellingLanguage

        public void setSpellingLanguage​(java.lang.String strSpellingLanguage)
        Sets the default spelling language on ctStyles DocDefaults parameter
        strSpellingLanguage - the default spelling language to use
      • setEastAsia

        public void setEastAsia​(java.lang.String strEastAsia)
        Sets the default East Asia spelling language on ctStyles DocDefaults parameter
        strEastAsia - The default East Asia spelling language to use
      • setDefaultFonts

        public void setDefaultFonts​(CTFonts fonts)
        Sets the default font on ctStyles DocDefaults parameter TODO Replace this with specific setters for each type, possibly on XWPFDefaultRunStyle
      • getStyleWithSameName

        public XWPFStyle getStyleWithSameName​(XWPFStyle style)
        get the style with the same name if this style is not existing, return null
      • getDefaultRunStyle

        public XWPFDefaultRunStyle getDefaultRunStyle()
        Get the default style which applies text runs in the document
      • getDefaultParagraphStyle

        public XWPFDefaultParagraphStyle getDefaultParagraphStyle()
        Get the default paragraph style which applies to the document
      • getLatentStyles

        public XWPFLatentStyles getLatentStyles()
        Get the definition of all the Latent Styles
      • getStyleWithName

        public XWPFStyle getStyleWithName​(java.lang.String styleName)
        Get the style with the specified name, if any.
        styleName - The name of the style to get, e.g., "Heading 1"
        XWPFStyle with the specified name, or null if not found.