Class ComponentUtils

  • public final class ComponentUtils
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utility helper functions for components.
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String NN_SLING_CONFIGS
        Name of the node holding the context aware configurations below /conf/{site-name};
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ID_SEPARATOR
        Name of the separator character used between prefix and hash when generating an ID, e.g. image-5c7e0ef90d
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • isDataLayerEnabled

        public static boolean isDataLayerEnabled​(@Nullable
                                                 @Nullable SlingHttpServletRequest request,
                                                 @NotNull Resource resource)
        Check if data layer is enabled.
        request - The request in which context this happens
        resource - The resource to check.
        True if data layer is enabled for this resource, false otherwise.
      • isDataLayerEnabled

        public static boolean isDataLayerEnabled​(@NotNull
                                                 @NotNull Resource resource)
        Check if data layer is enabled.
        resource - The resource to check.
        True if data layer is enabled for this resource, false otherwise.
      • getId

        public static @NotNull java.lang.String getId​(@NotNull
                                                      @NotNull Resource resource,
                                                      @Nullable Page currentPage,
                                                      @Nullable ComponentContext componentContext)
        resource - The resource for which to get or generate an ID.
        currentPage - The current request page.
        componentContext - The current component context.
        The ID property value for the specified resource, or a generated ID if not set.
      • getId

        public static @NotNull java.lang.String getId​(@NotNull
                                                      @NotNull Resource resource,
                                                      @Nullable Page currentPage,
                                                      @Nullable java.lang.String resourceCallerPath,
                                                      @Nullable ComponentContext componentContext)
        Get the ID property value if set (using getPropertyId(Resource), otherwise generate a new ID (using generateId(Resource, Page, String, ComponentContext).
        resource - The resource for which to get or generate an ID.
        currentPage - The current request page.
        resourceCallerPath - The path of the page or template resource that references this component.
        componentContext - The current component context.
        The ID property value for the specified resource, or a generated ID if not set.
      • generateId

        public static @NotNull java.lang.String generateId​(@NotNull
                                                           @NotNull java.lang.String prefix,
                                                           @NotNull java.lang.String path)
        Returns an ID based on the prefix, the ID_SEPARATOR and a hash of the path, e.g. image-5c7e0ef90d
        prefix - the prefix for the ID
        path - the resource path
        the generated ID
      • getFeaturedImage

        public static @Nullable Resource getFeaturedImage​(@NotNull
                                                          @NotNull Page page)
        Returns the resource holding the properties of the featured image of the page.
        page - the page
        the featured image resource
      • getEffectiveResource

        public static @NotNull Resource getEffectiveResource​(@NotNull
                                                             @NotNull Resource resource,
                                                             @Nullable SlingHttpServletRequest request)
        Gets the effective TemplatedResource for the specified resource.
        resource - The resource for which to get the TemplateResource.
        request - The current request. This is needed if the resource is potentially part of the template structure.
        The TemplatedResource, or the current resource if it cannot be adapted to a TemplatedResource.
      • getChildComponents

        public static @NotNull java.util.List<Resource> getChildComponents​(@NotNull
                                                                           @NotNull Resource resource,
                                                                           @Nullable SlingHttpServletRequest request)
        Gets a list of all child resources that are components.
        resource - The resource for which to get the children.
        request - The current request. This is needed if the resource is potentially part of the template structure.
        The list of child resources that are components.
      • getComponentModels

        public static java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String,​ComponentExporter> getComponentModels​(@NotNull
                                                                                                           @NotNull SlingModelFilter slingModelFilter,
                                                                                                           @NotNull ModelFactory modelFactory,
                                                                                                           @NotNull SlingHttpServletRequest request,
                                                                                                           @NotNull java.lang.Class<ComponentExporter> modelClass)
        Gets the models for the child resources that are components, filtered by the Sling Model Filter. This should only be used for JSON export, for other usages refer to Container.getChildren().
        request - The current request.
        modelClass - The child model class.
        Map of models wherein the key is the child name, and the value is it's model.
      • getComponentModels

        public static java.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.String,​ComponentExporter> getComponentModels​(@NotNull
                                                                                                           @NotNull SlingModelFilter slingModelFilter,
                                                                                                           @NotNull ModelFactory modelFactory,
                                                                                                           @NotNull java.util.List<Resource> childComponents,
                                                                                                           @NotNull SlingHttpServletRequest request,
                                                                                                           @NotNull java.lang.Class<ComponentExporter> modelClass)
        Gets the models for the child resources that are components, filtered by the Sling Model Filter. This should only be used for JSON export, for other usages refer to Container.getChildren()
        request - The current request.
        modelClass - The child model class.
        Map of models wherein the key is the child name, and the value is it's model.