Annotation Type JacksonXmlText

    public @interface JacksonXmlText
    Interface that is loosely similar to jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.XmlValue in that it can be used on one (and only one!) property of a POJO. It will result in value of the property be serialized without element wrapper, as long as there are no element-wrapped other properties (attribute-valued properties are acceptable). It is also somewhat similar to core Jackson @JsonValue annotation; but has to be separate as @JsonValue does not allow any other properties.

    Note that only one such property is allowed on a POJO: if multiple properties are annotated, behavior is not defined.

    Internally properties annotated will be considered to be properties with no name (that is, with marker "" (empty String)).

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean value
      Whether serialization of the property should always be done as basic XML text or not; if true, will be, if false, not.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        boolean value
        Whether serialization of the property should always be done as basic XML text or not; if true, will be, if false, not.