Interface Message

    • Method Detail

      • getFormattedMessage

        java.lang.String getFormattedMessage()
        Gets the Message formatted as a String. Each Message implementation determines the appropriate way to format the data encapsulated in the Message. Messages that provide more than one way of formatting the Message will implement MultiformatMessage.

        When configured to log asynchronously, this method is called before the Message is queued, unless this message implements ReusableMessage or is annotated with AsynchronouslyFormattable. This gives the Message implementation class a chance to create a formatted message String with the current value of any mutable objects. The intention is that the Message implementation caches this formatted message and returns it on subsequent calls. (See LOG4J2-763.)

        When logging synchronously, this method will not be called for Messages that implement the StringBuilderFormattable interface: instead, the formatTo(StringBuilder) method will be called so the Message can format its contents without creating intermediate String objects.

        The message String.
      • getFormat

        java.lang.String getFormat()
        Gets the format portion of the Message.
        The message format. Some implementations, such as ParameterizedMessage, will use this as the message "pattern". Other Messages may simply return an empty String. TODO Do all messages have a format? What syntax? Using a Formatter object could be cleaner. (RG) In SimpleMessage the format is identical to the formatted message. In ParameterizedMessage and StructuredDataMessage it is not. It is up to the Message implementer to determine what this method will return. A Formatter is inappropriate as this is very specific to the Message implementation so it isn't clear to me how having a Formatter separate from the Message would be cleaner.
      • getParameters

        java.lang.Object[] getParameters()
        Gets parameter values, if any.
        An array of parameter values or null.
      • getThrowable

        java.lang.Throwable getThrowable()
        Gets the throwable, if any.
        the throwable or null.