Class HemfWindowing

  • public class HemfWindowing
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  HemfWindowing.EmfScaleViewportExtEx
      The EMR_SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX record respecifies the viewport for a device context by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.
      static class  HemfWindowing.EmfScaleWindowExtEx
      The EMR_SCALEWINDOWEXTEX record respecifies the window for a playback device context by using the ratios formed by the specified multiplicands and divisors.
      static class  HemfWindowing.EmfSelectClipPath
      The EMR_SELECTCLIPPATH record specifies the current path as a clipping region for a playback device context, combining the new region with any existing clipping region using the specified mode.
      static class  HemfWindowing.EmfSetExcludeClipRect
      The EMR_EXCLUDECLIPRECT record specifies a new clipping region that consists of the existing clipping region minus the specified rectangle.
      static class  HemfWindowing.EmfSetIntersectClipRect
      The EMR_INTERSECTCLIPRECT record specifies a new clipping region from the intersection of the current clipping region and the specified rectangle.
      static class  HemfWindowing.EmfSetOffsetClipRgn
      The EMR_OFFSETCLIPRGN record moves the current clipping region in the playback device context by the specified offsets.
      static class  HemfWindowing.EmfSetViewportExtEx
      The EMR_SETVIEWPORTEXTEX record defines the viewport extent.
      static class  HemfWindowing.EmfSetViewportOrgEx
      The EMR_SETVIEWPORTORGEX record defines the viewport origin.
      static class  HemfWindowing.EmfSetWindowExtEx
      The EMR_SETWINDOWEXTEX record defines the window extent.
      static class  HemfWindowing.EmfSetWindowOrgEx
      The EMR_SETWINDOWORGEX record defines the window origin.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • HemfWindowing

        public HemfWindowing()