Class DirectoryChunk

  • public class DirectoryChunk
    extends Chunk
    A Chunk that is just a placeholder in the MAPIMessage directory structure, which contains children. This is most commonly used with nested MAPIMessages
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getDirectory

        public DirectoryNode getDirectory()
        Returns the directory entry for this chunk. You can then use standard POIFS methods to enumerate the entries in it.
      • getAsEmbeddedMessage

        public MAPIMessage getAsEmbeddedMessage()
        Treats the directory as an embedded MAPIMessage (it normally is one), and returns a MAPIMessage object to process it with.
      • readValue

        public void readValue​( value)
        Description copied from class: Chunk
        Reads the value of this chunk using an InputStream
        Specified by:
        readValue in class Chunk
      • writeValue

        public void writeValue​( out)
        Description copied from class: Chunk
        Writes the value of this chunk back out again.
        Specified by:
        writeValue in class Chunk