Class ZipPartMarshaller

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ZipPartMarshaller
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements PartMarshaller
    Zip part marshaller. This marshaller is use to save any part in a zip stream.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ZipPartMarshaller

        public ZipPartMarshaller()
    • Method Detail

      • marshall

        public boolean marshall​(PackagePart part,
                         throws OpenXML4JException
        Save the specified part to the given stream.
        Specified by:
        marshall in interface PartMarshaller
        part - The PackagePart to save
        os - The stream to write the data to
        true if saving was successful or there was nothing to save, false if an error occurred. In case of errors, logging via Log4j 2 is used to provide more information.
        OpenXML4JException - Throws if the stream cannot be written to or an internal exception is thrown.
      • marshallRelationshipPart

        public static boolean marshallRelationshipPart​(PackageRelationshipCollection rels,
                                                       PackagePartName relPartName,
                                                       ZipArchiveOutputStream zos)
        Save relationships into the part.
        rels - The relationships collection to marshall.
        relPartName - Part name of the relationship part to marshall.
        zos - Zip output stream in which to save the XML content of the relationships serialization.
        true if saving was successful, false if an error occurred. In case of errors, logging via Log4j 2 is used to provide more information.