Class XSLFTexturePaint

    • Method Detail

      • isRotatedWithShape

        public boolean isRotatedWithShape()
        Specified by:
        isRotatedWithShape in interface PaintStyle.TexturePaint
        true, if the rotation of the shape is also applied to the texture paint
      • getScale

        public java.awt.geom.Dimension2D getScale()
        Specified by:
        getScale in interface PaintStyle.TexturePaint
        the dimensions of the tiles in percent of the shape dimensions or null if no scaling is applied
      • getOffset

        public java.awt.geom.Point2D getOffset()
        Specified by:
        getOffset in interface PaintStyle.TexturePaint
        the offset of the tiles in points or null if there's no offset
      • getInsets

        public Insets2D getInsets()
        Description copied from interface: PaintStyle.TexturePaint
        Specifies the portion of the blip or image that is used for the fill.

        Each edge of the image is defined by a percentage offset from the edge of the bounding box. A positive percentage specifies an inset and a negative percentage specifies an outset.

        The percentage are ints based on 100000, so 100% = 100000.

        So, for example, a left offset of 25% specifies that the left edge of the image is located to the right of the bounding box's left edge by 25% of the bounding box's width.

        Specified by:
        getInsets in interface PaintStyle.TexturePaint
        the cropping insets of the source image
      • getStretch

        public Insets2D getStretch()
        Description copied from interface: PaintStyle.TexturePaint
        The stretch specifies the edges of a fill rectangle.

        Each edge of the fill rectangle is defined by a percentage offset from the corresponding edge of the picture's bounding box. A positive percentage specifies an inset and a negative percentage specifies an outset.

        The percentage are ints based on 100000, so 100% = 100000.

        Specified by:
        getStretch in interface PaintStyle.TexturePaint
        the stretching in the destination image