Class XSSFVMLDrawing

  • public final class XSSFVMLDrawing
    extends POIXMLDocumentPart
    Represents a SpreadsheetML VML drawing.

    In Excel 2007 VML drawings are used to describe properties of cell comments, although the spec says that VML is deprecated:

    The VML format is a legacy format originally introduced with Office 2000 and is included and fully defined in this Standard for backwards compatibility reasons. The DrawingML format is a newer and richer format created with the goal of eventually replacing any uses of VML in the Office Open XML formats. VML should be considered a deprecated format included in Office Open XML for legacy reasons only and new applications that need a file format for drawings are strongly encouraged to use preferentially DrawingML

    Warning - Excel is known to put invalid XML into these files! For example, >br< without being closed or escaped crops up.

    See 6.4 VML - SpreadsheetML Drawing in Office Open XML Part 4 - Markup Language Reference.pdf
    • Field Detail


        public static final javax.xml.namespace.QName QNAME_VMLDRAWING
        to actually process the namespace-less vmldrawing, we've introduced a proxy namespace. this namespace is active in-memory, but will be removed on saving to the file
    • Method Detail

      • getDocument

        public org.apache.poi.schemas.vmldrawing.XmlDocument getDocument()
      • newCommentShape

        public newCommentShape()
        This method is for internal POI use only.
      • findCommentShape

        public findCommentShape​(int row,
                                                                  int col)
        Find a shape with ClientData of type "NOTE" and the specified row and column
        the comment shape or null