Interface XmlFactoryHook

  • public interface XmlFactoryHook
    A hook for the XML Bean Factory mechanism. Provided for advanced users who wish to provide their own implementation of the Factory.parse methods. This is used, for example, to defer reading XML streams until needed.

    To use the hook, call XmlFactoryHook.ThreadContext.setHook(), passing your own XmlFactoryHook implementation. Then every call to a Factory method will be delgated to your hook.

     MyHook hook = new MyHook();
     // this results in a call to hook.parse(...)
     XmlObject.Factory.parse(new File("test.xml"));

    If the hook needs to turn around and invoke the built-in parsers, then it should do so by calling the appropriate method on the passed SchemaTypeLoader. Since SchemaTypeLoader.parse() methods delegate to the registered hook, a hook that wishes to actually invoke the default parser without having itself called back again should unregister itself before calling loader.parse(), and then re-register itself again after the call.

     void parse(SchemaTypeLoader loader, ...)
         XmlFactoryHook remember = XmlFactoryHook.ThreadContext.getHook();
         loader.parse(...); // isn't hooked.