Class SearchOptionsImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • SearchOptionsImpl

        public SearchOptionsImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • getAllFilters

        public Map<String,​String> getAllFilters()
        Description copied from interface: SearchOptions
        Retrieves all filters, including the category id which is being treated as a special case as a developer convenience. This method essentially returns all of the attribute filters but also includes the category id if it was set.
        Specified by:
        getAllFilters in interface SearchOptions
        a key value pair of the attribute codes or identifiers with the chosen value
      • setAttributeFilters

        public void setAttributeFilters​(Map<String,​String> attributeFilters)
      • setCategoryId

        public void setCategoryId​(String categoryId)
      • setCategoryUid

        public void setCategoryUid​(String categoryUid)
      • setSearchQuery

        public void setSearchQuery​(String searchQuery)
      • setCurrentPage

        public void setCurrentPage​(Integer currentPage)
      • setPageSize

        public void setPageSize​(Integer pageSize)
      • addSorterKey

        public void addSorterKey​(String name,
                                 String label,
                                 Sorter.Order preferredOrder)
        Description copied from interface: SearchOptions
        Add a possible sorter key to this search options. Sorter keys are displayed in the UI in the order of addition. The first sorter key is considered to be the default. The preferred sort order for a sort key is used in favor or the current sort order when the sort key is selected for sorting.
        Specified by:
        addSorterKey in interface SearchOptions
        name - the nonempty sort key name
        label - the nonempty sort key label
        preferredOrder - preferred ordering for this sort key or null if not specified
      • getSorterKeys

        public List<SorterKey> getSorterKeys()
        Specified by:
        getSorterKeys in interface SearchOptions
        The configured sort keys. The first key is the default used for the initial sorting of search results.